Apr 2022
7:42pm, 2 Apr 2022
53,896 posts
But I find online teaching incredibly draining
Apr 2022
9:30pm, 2 Apr 2022
1,333 posts
There isn't actually that much online teaching with OU: most teaching is done through marking (a lot more feedback than at most unis), emails, forums and occasional phone calls. I have 7 groups which equates to full time and have about 30 tutorials a year for 2 hours each, most of them co-taught with another tutor so we usually do an hour each and chip in/watch the chat box for each other the rest of the time. I have some say at the beginning of the year as to which times I want to teach (there's a big schedule of times and you put your name in some of the spaces). There's a lot of sharing of PowerPoints and activities to run in tutorials.
Apr 2022
9:32pm, 2 Apr 2022
53,901 posts
Sounds like a lot of what I do on top of my actual job "Emails, forums and phone calls"
Apr 2022
10:16pm, 2 Apr 2022
1,334 posts
If I have an hour's support call with a student, that's beyond what's expected in normal delivery and I get paid for an extra hour plus a bit extra for preparation - it would be arranged and approved in advance for e.g. a student who is struggling or needs extra help due to a disability. Forums and emails and shorter ad hoc calls fall within the remit, but most forum moderation is shared out as a team and there's rarely much to do.
Apr 2022
10:34pm, 2 Apr 2022
6,809 posts
Wow. Some of my colleagues are bordering minimum wage they are salary, but work so many hours to keep things a float.
I dropped money to work in HE and have lost more by joining at top of pay scale so missed out kn the increments I'd have got in previous role. I worked it out last night that's im in the region of £8,000 less now. But its what I wanted to do. Now I'm a tad shakey. Love the students but could certainly be earning more back in the NHS. I nearly quit HE 18 months ago... stayed and trying to stay a bit longer to see of its different else where but I'm worried it's not.
Apr 2022
10:06am, 3 Apr 2022
1,121 posts
Sam Jelfs
Salary is one issue, I would have to be at the top of the grade band offered by York to be near my current salary in industry...
It is a lecturer position, chatting to the dept head the other day he says it should be 40/40/20 split on teaching / research / admin, with no teaching in the first year and some dept funding to set up a lab and have a phd student... Trying to decide if I want to jump ship with all the issues academia has, or stay in industry slowly moving further away from the field that interests me. Add in that my current employer isn't very motivated by publishing research, rather in IP generation, my CV will always look weak for an academic post.
Apr 2022
4:24pm, 3 Apr 2022
2,658 posts
If they actually stick to their commitments, then that sounds like a good deal. My issue is overall workload being about 10 hours a week more than full time.
Apr 2022
4:44pm, 3 Apr 2022
53,913 posts
At least. I have two colleagues who work most weekends, as did I until I said no more.
One thing that is different is the pace, for me at least. Industry was very reactive and fast-moving. Academia is more proactive and slow-moving, but such a lot to do all the time, and getting more and more.
Apr 2022
10:34pm, 5 Apr 2022
53,947 posts
Rant alert
I have had two students come to me today and complain that their grades 'didn't reflect the time and effort' they put into their work. Since when were grades awarded for time and effort? One of them had just not read the bloody question and had answered a different question altogether.
I'm going to complain that my parkrun time doesn't reflect the time and effort I put into my training
Rant over
Apr 2022
10:41pm, 5 Apr 2022
53,989 posts
Time, effort and ability to read the question. Maybe your analogy needs to extend to turning up to the right park?