Mar 2022
8:42am, 3 Mar 2022
41,649 posts
Well, two sessions done so far - simplifying irrational numbers in the first one and quadratic equations and the parabola in the second. Flying by the seat of my pants! Hope it's helping the tutee though. Well out of my comfort zone! G
Mar 2022
10:01am, 3 Mar 2022
84,398 posts
Sounds like 'Higher' topics to me - but I'm not too familiar with Scottish levels.
As many will testify, simply having someone 'in your corner' is often enough to turn around a slide in confidence. Assess your progress as a tutor by the progress of your tutee. Learning for yourself is quite different from promoting the learning of another person. You're doing invaluable work!
Mar 2022
10:32am, 3 Mar 2022
41,656 posts
I was surprised too swittle. It's definitely National 5 curriculum, but was more complicated than I remember until we got to Highers. Maybe kids have it harder nowadays! We went over it a number of times. Not sure I was explaining it very well. Some breaks in the line on the Zoom (it's all remote) and trying to draw on a whiteboard with a mouse didn't help.
I sent her 3 more examples by email, and repeated my "quick tips" on how to answer the question (her exams are only 8-9 weeks away). I hope it's helping her. She's had a tough time, missed quite a bit of school and is keen to fill in the gaps. G
Mar 2022
10:50am, 3 Mar 2022
84,401 posts
The curriculum in general is subject to almost constant 'revision' - some call it updating, some call it tinkering but I think it's driven by the maths a student needs to progress further, either in maths terms, or in, say, physics, engineering or economics.
The best feedback you'll get is from the quality of her answers, in particular, the stages of her working. Finding the part of a solution that's unclear and clearing that up opens the door to solving all similar questions.
Your best ally is in your final sentence ^ - your tutee is motivated By no means is this a 'given'. Motivation to teach causes motivation to learn.
[btw, I don't mean to 'preach'! ]
Mar 2022
12:59pm, 3 Mar 2022
41,658 posts
Not at all switts, thanks for your insight (and support). I'll keep turning up, and keep trying, the VTO Scotland organisation just seems to be glad to have bodies taking part, so I'll keep on trying! G
Mar 2022
2:07pm, 31 Mar 2022
1,119 posts
Sam Jelfs
On the off chance, anyone here work at York Uni?
Mar 2022
4:57pm, 31 Mar 2022
53,838 posts
I have a friend who does.
Apr 2022
11:24am, 1 Apr 2022
2,649 posts
[Just whingeing, please ignore if you have bigger worries.]
Didn't get my promotion to senior lecturer. Considering I run two modules (one in each semester) and have 3 PhD students (plus two as co-supervisor), with another starting in Oct, it feels like a kick in the teeth for them to say I need more external grant funding and first author papers.
Apr 2022
11:26am, 1 Apr 2022
53,973 posts
That sucks GG, sadly the incentives in academia tend to be those outputs and grant money rather than the hard work of teaching and mentoring. Also you don't have any control over the papers getting accepted or the funding being given, so it's particularly unfair isn't it?
Apr 2022
11:32am, 1 Apr 2022
2,651 posts
Yes, although I haven't put any in to be honest as it's been so manic with covid, and running an entire programme with only 4 people. And now we're setting up an MSc with one extra FTE.