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Support thread for educators of any type, academics, teachers, early years etc.

36 watchers
May 2020
7:07pm, 13 May 2020
1,058 posts
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There are enough educators on here that I thought it might be nice to have a mirror thread to the "Support for students, mature and otherwise.." thread, particularly with the current Covid-19 situation causing so much disruption.

Might be nice to introduce ourselves with however much info we're willing to share.

I'm a lecturer (STEM subject) at a university. Member of UCU, pension is USS. Currently grappling with teaching online, although the worst is over for this semester, I'm expecting hybrid teaching next academic year, which will be fun for our practical classes.
May 2020
7:15pm, 13 May 2020
36,412 posts
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Thank you. Great idea.
May 2020
7:17pm, 13 May 2020
36,413 posts
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I'm a SL, humanities. Mostly postgraduate teaching. Post 92 university. UCU member but not USS pension although I have got a small one from working elsewhere. Relatively recent academic (since 2012).
May 2020
7:28pm, 13 May 2020
13,987 posts
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I’m a Primary School teacher and have been since 1991. At the moment I am teaching as well as being the acting principal in a small (2 classes) rural school. I teach a class of 18 P4-P7 (year 3 - year 6) children.
May 2020
7:44pm, 13 May 2020
1,061 posts
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Hi LindsD and HowFar.

HowFar that sounds like a real challenge under the circumstances.
May 2020
7:48pm, 13 May 2020
13,988 posts
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Hi Grast_girl. It is a challenge when everything is running normally. This has been something else altogether.
May 2020
9:03pm, 13 May 2020
11,470 posts
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Hi. This is a very useful thread, thanks.

I’m a special school teacher. I’ve been a teacher since 1993, starting initially as a secondary school science teacher, I moved to working in special schools in 1998.

Currently, I’m on a rota for supporting a few pupils (who’s parents are key workers) and in the meantime setting work for the school website or using ‘Class Dojo’ to post messages and videos to pupils.
May 2020
9:40pm, 13 May 2020
4,084 posts
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Hello. Thank you for the thread.

I've been teaching since 1989 and am currently a deputy head in a primary school in Wakefield. I'm currently in school 2 1/2 days a week, job sharing SLT with the Head while the school is open for key worker and vulnerable children. I have a Y5 class accessing lessons via Google Classroom. I plan and mark English and Maths and the teacher who covered my class for DHT time plans the Wider Curriculum work. We don't do any recorded or live lessons due to the difficulty for those with children at home with them.

This week, I have worked Monday and Wednesday and am also working tomorrow and Friday planning for various outcomes.
May 2020
9:42pm, 13 May 2020
3,598 posts
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Thank you! I teach Biology at a small independent school having previously taught at an all boys SEN school - so the opposite of Ness!

I am currently teaching all my timetabled lessons live via Teams (Fridays are a killer as I have 6 one hour lessons on a Friday). I am finding everything takes much longer. And my head and shoulders ache from all the screen time.

My two oldest children are at university - one madly writing up his dissertation for his finals, the other has just finished her second year. I am not sure when I will see them again - probably after I see my year 10 and 12 students. At home I've got one son who hasn't done his A'levels, another who hasn't done his GCSEs and a year 9 daughter.

I don't mind admitting that I am struggling. Sitting at my kitchen table teaching is far from ideal, and everyone seems to think that as I am at home I can do all the 'mum' stuff too.
May 2020
10:28pm, 13 May 2020
14,997 posts
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hi, I teach economics and business studies to sixth form only. We have to do half our lessons via teams, it doesn’t have to be the whole lesson though. It’s taking a lot longer to plan lessons as you need to set stuff they can do easily on their own so I have been writing worksheets with gaps for them to fill bits in and pages of text books to help them. Our text book isn’t very good so I can’t just say read and note take!
I would find it really hard doing all lessons on teams. We are not allowed the camera on and they have to turn off mikes unless asking a Q so i feel like I’m talking to myself!

About This Thread

Maintained by Grast_girl
There are enough educators on here that I thought it might be nice to have somewhere supportive to rant and problem solve.

Everyone is welcome.

DHE guide for primary schools:

HE survey supporting staff wellbeing:
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