Support thread for educators of any type, academics, teachers, early years etc.

36 watchers
May 2020
10:41pm, 13 May 2020
346 posts
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Hi - great idea for a thread. I’m a year 1 teacher at an independent school. We’re doing maths, English, Phonics and topic work via the portal atm and using teams for a class ‘catch up’ twice a week. Watching very closely for details of our return
May 2020
11:57pm, 13 May 2020
1,062 posts
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Hi everyone, glad to see this was a needed thread.

Looks like most people have been teaching longer than me (about 6 years). Forgot to say that I'm also hard of hearing, just enough to need a hearing aid in one ear and make lipreading helpful, which could get interesting with face coverings.

HowFar - didn't mean to imply it's not a challenge normally, but I'm sure it's so much harder now. I do less contact time than most teachers would do and we probably had a bit more notice that we were going online only (students leaving the country was a big hint :-)).
Cyclops - what's DHT? Presume Wider Curriculum is science, history, art etc?
Mrsbridgewater - you have an awful lot on your plate in every respect. I've done 2 hours of teaching on zoom in one go, and sometimes have 6 hours of zoom/Teams meetings, but 6 hours would wipe me out completely.
hellen - although we teach either by providing the video beforehand or recording live and then having a Q&A, I tend to find myself speaking to a wall of grey boxes, really not conducive to an engaging lecture/seminar. Thankfully we do have access to a lot of good resources and a lot of publishers have opened up their collections, which has helped.
May 2020
6:31am, 14 May 2020
First-time poster!!
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[Removed by moderator]
May 2020
6:31am, 14 May 2020
2 posts
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[Removed by moderator]
May 2020
7:19am, 14 May 2020
13,989 posts
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Grast_girl, I know you weren’t implying that it’s not a challenge normally. I am thankful that, at least at the moment, our Minister for Education is not talking about any change in the situation until September. I can’t imagine what it must be like for people faced with the possibility of trying to accommodate more children from as early as next month. I will be very interested to see how that goes.
May 2020
7:40am, 14 May 2020
36,423 posts
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I've reported our friend above
May 2020
7:50am, 14 May 2020
13,990 posts
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Oh. I was hoping they were going to help me chart my own course. :(
May 2020
8:52am, 14 May 2020
5,229 posts
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I'm going to lurk here until my contract expires.

I'm a lecturer in health sciences. (But not in the field I'm registered in. Which makes life that much harder, as I've got to learn the nuances of my subject as well as everything else about university life).

I'm really new to it at just over a year. Also on a fixed term contract that finishes end of August. The university was struggling with Brexit and Covid has almost finished it off, so have been informed I'm not getting renewed even though the team are two down already due to recruitment freeze.

Our school not so affected by lack of international students as others, but will probably need to prop up large portions of the rest of the university. So interesting times.
May 2020
9:27am, 14 May 2020
1,063 posts
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Hi everyone.

Nickid - do you feel there's more or less pressure to return from parents who are paying for school?
LindsD thanks for reporting whoever it was, didn't even see what it was.
1step2far - I fear we will have a lot in the same boat as you regarding fixed term contracts not being renewed. One of our departments has lost 4 staff and it seems they won't be allowed to replace them because of recruitment freezes, so that's going to be fun.
May 2020
9:39am, 14 May 2020
19,290 posts
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Morning folks. Can I loiter here?

My paperwork says that I'm a teacher of French and German at 11-19, but I'm office-based now providing strategic direction in curriculum structure, timetabling and assessment/reporting for a small local MAT in the East Midlands.

I've got 4 secondaries and three primaries under my wing, and right now I've got to work out how to reopen these schools and ensure social distancing when I don't have sufficient teaching spaces...

About This Thread

Maintained by Grast_girl
There are enough educators on here that I thought it might be nice to have somewhere supportive to rant and problem solve.

Everyone is welcome.

DHE guide for primary schools:

HE survey supporting staff wellbeing:

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