May 2023
7:45pm, 16 May 2023
24,865 posts
1:23 to 2:59 for me so double plus 13 mins. I think I had 1:24 to 3:00 once so a +12 mins.
Markgall. An even paced sub three should be nailed on for you. Going out at 2:50 has a risk of missing sub three but it would need to be a really bad day for that to happen.
May 2023
8:00pm, 16 May 2023
69 posts
Double +12 minutes is nice.
Most people (although not on this thread apparently) struggle to get that conversion.
May 2023
8:07pm, 16 May 2023
24,867 posts
Those are my two better conversion. I have plenty much worse that I keep to myself.
May 2023
8:09pm, 16 May 2023
70 posts
Same here. 1:26:40 to 3:03:52 is my best conversion. 1:29:30 tot 3:13:30 was also decent.
May 2023
9:47pm, 16 May 2023
40 posts
Unsafe Breadbin
HM*2 + 5 has generally been a reliable benchmark for me but as others have said, it's horses for courses, and the course itself plays a major part.
Edinburgh was my first sub 3, wayyy back in 2008, so will always have fond memories. Running into a stiff headwind for 18 miles - not so much Good luck!
May 2023
10:14pm, 16 May 2023
5,768 posts
Joe Hawk
Enjoy White Peak Unsafe Breadbin - Always been tempted with the half as it should be a flyer, hope you've practiced downhills Only done the full and by mile 24/5 the down was too much for my quads.
May 2023
1:40pm, 18 May 2023
12,834 posts
57.5 Degrees of Pain
Edinburgh was my first sub-3 as well, in 2009. That was hot and one of their poorly organized events (too little water, section on dirt that was horribly dusty, delay in the baggage reaching the end, bus chaos getting back to Edinburgh).
I actually had a great day, the front of the field had water and less dust, the baggage delay allowed time to sit on the grass in the sun and drink free beer, and I was heading east, away from Edinburgh afterwards to meet friends.
No danger of a sub-3 these days.
May 2023
4:00pm, 18 May 2023
24,875 posts
I was just behind you that day in 3:03. I don’t recall the baggage delays and I had supporters and got a lift avoiding travel issues.
The lack of water was shocking.
May 2023
5:09pm, 18 May 2023
5,775 posts
Joe Hawk
3:20 odd it didn't get any better further back.
May 2023
12:44am, 19 May 2023
14,847 posts
I’m usually somewhere around x2 + 5,
my best was x2 + 3:25 and that was a flat fast HM too. Significantly better wava for the marathon too.