Sep 2020
9:32am, 16 Sep 2020
46,363 posts
Derby Tup
Dog walk done earlier before starting work. Trying to get out with him every working day before I start
Sep 2020
2:00pm, 16 Sep 2020
30,579 posts
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
I have another task for this afternoon, I decided rather than buy new furniture for the bedroom I decorate in July to rub down and paint the pine furniture, I have been putting it off, I haven’t chosen paint yet so it will be just prep when I get back from my run.
Sep 2020
8:55pm, 16 Sep 2020
40,737 posts
Happy to report I I swam a mile in the pool today
Sep 2020
10:18pm, 16 Sep 2020
46,371 posts
Derby Tup
Well done Linds
Stef has entered the Lady Anne’s Way 100 mile Ultra in February. The route broadly goes from Skipton through the Dales up to Penrith. Tonight we started recceing the route with a near nine mile run reversing the start to Skipton from near Eastby and back. Interesting run with approx half being familiar and the other half new to us
Sep 2020
10:31pm, 16 Sep 2020
40,744 posts
Sounds fabulous
Sep 2020
10:18am, 17 Sep 2020
18,665 posts
Been swimming! :-D Now wondering if I should get on my bike at lunch or walk or chill
Sep 2020
12:51pm, 17 Sep 2020
46,381 posts
Derby Tup
Bike > Walk > Chill
Sep 2020
12:53pm, 17 Sep 2020
48,571 posts
Dunno, Pix. What'll you be doing after you've been swimming next July?
Sep 2020
12:58pm, 17 Sep 2020
16,443 posts
Greetings Starters!
How's everyone getting on now we're over half way through the month? Pretty well from what I read! Who feels they've, er, Got Stuck In (as opposed to got stuck)?
How's the book, hp?
Sep 2020
1:02pm, 17 Sep 2020
16,444 posts
Pix, you DO seem to have got stuck in. Hurrah! Keep it steady! xxx
DerbyT - well impressed! September's been very start-up for you, I think? RACING again! Wanting to! As well as work and walks of course.
Never doubted V-rap would conquer RtS.
Linds did The Pool and The Wall on the same day - and bootcamped the next morning. As you prob know she has oodles of time for these things just like me. (Not!)