Slow and Proud (SAP) Club

77 watchers
Jan 2018
7:08pm, 2 Jan 2018
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Wombling Plodder (Welsh Womble)
Jan 2018
7:50pm, 2 Jan 2018
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I like that Womble! :-).

I am in bed - I went early last night but stayed awake til gone 1am coughing, tonight I am hoping for a bit more in the way of sleep!

I have just been tidying up a bit, I seem to collect clutter on top of my two bedroom chests of drawers. Anyway I found a beautiful black notebook that looks all professional and smart so will take that in to my new job and use it for making notes and plans etc. I would say I would use it as a journal for the year writing lovely notes in about what we've done or where we have been, but I reckon I wouldn't get round to it!
Jan 2018
9:53pm, 2 Jan 2018
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Good luck with your new challenge Wom. luck
Lem hope you sleep better tonight.
Jan 2018
9:58pm, 2 Jan 2018
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Nutso Lazytoad!
Fragile course it does 😊
Ww thanks, off to double check that though as I must have cocked up I wasn’t that fast lol

L10 get well soon
Jan 2018
10:56pm, 2 Jan 2018
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Out of the starting blocks for 2018 with a gentle 1.7 miler at club. Just walking with a short jog towards the end (so I could log it as a run/walk!!). Found the jog difficult, my chest tightened up quite quickly and I only managed a minute or so, but I think this was because it was really damp out - luckily I managed to get out between the 2 massive downpours, which really wouldn't have done me a lot of good!
Jan 2018
10:54am, 3 Jan 2018
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Well done kwala. Stick with it all and you'll go from strength to strength. :)

Got out for another run last evening before the weather came in. I'm trying to get a bit ahead before the skiing takes over. ;-) First PT session of the year this morning, a bit of weight lifting was included.
Jan 2018
10:58am, 3 Jan 2018
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Nutso Lazytoad!
Kwala well done

Alpen fab :) i like your style lol ouch nice re the PT!

I'm also PT'ing the evening and also need to get a run of some description in for day 3 of Jan run every day!
Jan 2018
10:12am, 4 Jan 2018
13,340 posts
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Hello all and Happy New Year!

Back to work today, so of course I've popped in here to see my colleagues ;-)
Jan 2018
10:28am, 4 Jan 2018
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I played with run walk again yesterday ~ the onlly reason I haven't used it more* is not having a free app which supported it, and not having a GPS watch or type thingy to nudge me :-o :-) .

A good way of extending your distances and splatting the feeling that it's spmehow wrong to walk during a run ;-) ('cus you're listening to the gizmo, and it says 'walk' :-) )

* I've used run walk before, but it felt clunky on my phone. Although I quite enjoyed the method I disliked the faff :-(
Jan 2018
7:25am, 5 Jan 2018
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Nutso Lazytoad!
Waves at Mulbs :)

Dec sounds positive :)

I'm still going with RED Jan legs feeling a tad heavy and my upper body is ruined from PT on Wed! Off to the gym post work today as the weather is foul here I got out for 1.4 ish yest in the howling wind and icy rain! Like everyone I'm also working to loose my Christmas tummy too!

About This Thread

Maintained by
star star we are the Slow and Proud Club (formed on 04/02/12) This thread was formerly an offshoot of the Absolute Beginners thread star star

Come and join us - we do not judge people on their pace and you will receive lots of encouragement.

We are proud that we are getting off our couches and getting out there, no matter how slow!


*** target events for 2020
*** target distances for 2020
*** target annual mileage for 2020
*** other SAP goals for 2020
[revised 05/10/20]

medal Nutso - half marathon medal

XXX GimmeMedals - Run Your Heart Out 10k (cancelled due to weather)

XXX Lip Gloss - Smokies 10m (DNS due to other events)

XXX Lip Gloss - Declaration of Arbroath 700th Anniversary Half Marathon (11th) POSTPONED
XXX Wazelle - Brighton Marathon (19th) POSTPONED
XXX Alpenrose - M12K 2020 Marnhull (19th) CANCELLED
XXX Mulbs - London Marathon (26th) POSTPONED

XXX Lip Gloss - Chariots of Fire 5k CANCELLED
XXX Womble - Cranleigh Trail Half walk (10th) CANCELLED
XXX Lemon10 - Windermere Marathon (17th) POSTPONED



XXX Lip Gloss - Hatton 10k CANCELLED
XXX Womble - South Coast Challenge [walk first quarter c15 miles] (29th) POSTPONED UNTIL 2021 (NOW SIGNED UP FOR 50KM)

* Wazelle - Brighton Marathon (rescheduled date) VIRTUAL EVENT

XXX GimmeMedals - Great South Run (18th) CANCELLED
XXX Womble - Beachy Head Marathon (DEFERRED TO 2021)
XXX Mulbs - London Marathon (rescheduled date) CANCELLED

XXX Lemon10 - Windermere Marathon (1st - rescheduled date) CANCELLED


Womble's Goals
1) Keep doing my leg exercises and add ankles to the plan
2) Cto5k/10k my way
3) Concentrate on 5k then 10k times
4) Try to get to +300 miles in a year (plus 1000 walking miles)
5) Arrive at the BH marathon start line fit and healthy, and have fun whilst covering the challenge


Mulb's Goals
1) to start building some strength and flexibility work into my week
2) to get back in to walking every day for at least 30 mins
3) to shift some of the extra heft I've gained this year

To be archived:

[edited Dec 2019]

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