Slow and Proud (SAP) Club

77 watchers
May 2017
2:22pm, 6 May 2017
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Nutso Lazytoad!
L10 thank you I'm running my nemesis one in a couple of weeks too and that owes me one!!! Well done on the snot miles, it was freezing here so super well done I'm not sure I would have succeeded
May 2017
3:14pm, 6 May 2017
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Lip Gloss
Well done L10 on the snotty miles.
I chose not to try and PB today as I have a race tomorrow. It was really windy on the lower prom today.
I'm now alternating between painting the fence and sitting on the lounger - the fence is in the shade and it is a bit chilly where as the lounger is in he sun and its lovely...twice as long but the job will get done
May 2017
4:30pm, 6 May 2017
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Nut, er, did they get it wrong? that's not a pb. :-o

Lem, glad you could finally get out today and enjoy it. :)

I went to the Christchurch food festival as I'm "racing" tomorrow. I was a bit over dressed - when the sun filtered through the clouds a bit it was too hot then when it goes in it's too cold. It's that stupid time of year where you don't know what to wear. :-p I think I'll still wear my jacket tomorrow and wrap it round my middle as usual once I've warmed up a bit, I'd always prefer to be a bit too warm than too cold. If I wear my long trousers I won't have to worry about the midges or doing my legs. ;-)
May 2017
4:39pm, 6 May 2017
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Nutso Lazytoad!
Alpen haha it is on that swine of a course 😲😉, ooh food festival 😊 Good luck tomorrow

Lg haha like your style
May 2017
4:57pm, 6 May 2017
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Sending recovery wishes to all snot-sufferers, and strong running to the racers.

A decent figure from parkrun may have to suffice for my SAP mile tomorrow, but I'm hoping to get out and do a genuine one mile run - just to see what happens. Feeling enthusiastic.
May 2017
4:58pm, 6 May 2017
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We must have a north south divide with the weather because it is blooming freeing down here. Not lounger weather that's for sure, I feel like I want a hot chocolate and the wood burner on.

In other news I am just back from the hairdressers having not managed to go for six months :-o so I had loads off, it's all swishy now!

Then I went to collect my new glasses and I felt they weren't right so went back after half an hour of wearing them. Luckily I was able to be seen by the optician again and she has tweaked the prescription for the right eye and thinks they weren't quite centred properly, I could see better when I tipped my head back, so they will be re-done and hopefully will be better next time. 🤓
May 2017
8:33pm, 6 May 2017
4,721 posts
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Lemon yep horrid weather.

Ran 3.6 miles to sports centre this morning (after walking dog), then swam 30 lenghts - all done by 10am
May 2017
8:57pm, 6 May 2017
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Lip Gloss
L10 I'm still having problems with my glasses, computer at work is the worst so need to go back again but they are closed for a refit till next Wednesday.
Finished the fence then looking like the hulk (green paint) I had a shower then we went to son & DiL with Alfie's chute/tree house which OH will build tomorrow and they had the BBQ on so it was a nice impromptu supper and a couple of glasses of prosecco:-)
May 2017
9:46pm, 6 May 2017
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Well done Hel, have you thought about joining in the Joker thing? I'm finding it's giving me a bit of extra focus at the moment.
MM, good that you're finally getting back on it and even better that you're enjoying it too. :)

Lem, sounds a bit of a pain about the glasses.
May 2017
8:04am, 7 May 2017
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Fragile Do Not Bend
I'm the opposite to you AR, I would rather wear less and be cold at the start of a run, than wear more and get hot when I start running.

At this time of year I always get comments from my running mates asking if I'm cold, they are wearing jackets and I'm in a tshirt. But they are all peeling their jackets off half a mile down the road. 😀

About This Thread

Maintained by
star star we are the Slow and Proud Club (formed on 04/02/12) This thread was formerly an offshoot of the Absolute Beginners thread star star

Come and join us - we do not judge people on their pace and you will receive lots of encouragement.

We are proud that we are getting off our couches and getting out there, no matter how slow!


*** target events for 2020
*** target distances for 2020
*** target annual mileage for 2020
*** other SAP goals for 2020
[revised 05/10/20]

medal Nutso - half marathon medal

XXX GimmeMedals - Run Your Heart Out 10k (cancelled due to weather)

XXX Lip Gloss - Smokies 10m (DNS due to other events)

XXX Lip Gloss - Declaration of Arbroath 700th Anniversary Half Marathon (11th) POSTPONED
XXX Wazelle - Brighton Marathon (19th) POSTPONED
XXX Alpenrose - M12K 2020 Marnhull (19th) CANCELLED
XXX Mulbs - London Marathon (26th) POSTPONED

XXX Lip Gloss - Chariots of Fire 5k CANCELLED
XXX Womble - Cranleigh Trail Half walk (10th) CANCELLED
XXX Lemon10 - Windermere Marathon (17th) POSTPONED



XXX Lip Gloss - Hatton 10k CANCELLED
XXX Womble - South Coast Challenge [walk first quarter c15 miles] (29th) POSTPONED UNTIL 2021 (NOW SIGNED UP FOR 50KM)

* Wazelle - Brighton Marathon (rescheduled date) VIRTUAL EVENT

XXX GimmeMedals - Great South Run (18th) CANCELLED
XXX Womble - Beachy Head Marathon (DEFERRED TO 2021)
XXX Mulbs - London Marathon (rescheduled date) CANCELLED

XXX Lemon10 - Windermere Marathon (1st - rescheduled date) CANCELLED


Womble's Goals
1) Keep doing my leg exercises and add ankles to the plan
2) Cto5k/10k my way
3) Concentrate on 5k then 10k times
4) Try to get to +300 miles in a year (plus 1000 walking miles)
5) Arrive at the BH marathon start line fit and healthy, and have fun whilst covering the challenge


Mulb's Goals
1) to start building some strength and flexibility work into my week
2) to get back in to walking every day for at least 30 mins
3) to shift some of the extra heft I've gained this year

To be archived:

[edited Dec 2019]

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