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RW sub3/3.15

1 lurker | 42 watchers
15 Jan
5:31pm, 15 Jan 2025
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Little Miss Happy
2.21 today Gerard. I'm ok running fasted up to ten miles but notice it after that. All I usually have fuel wise on a long run is a mouthful of gel (literally, the same gel will do me for at least four runs) or a couple of jelly babies, just enough to convince the brain it isn't going to die. :-)

DT19 - I'm a poor sleeper and adopt much the same attitude apart from I do have a clock in the bedroom. If I'm lying awake I just tell myself that staying there, eyes closed and relaxing is nearly as good as sleeping and if it's racing thoughts keeping me awake I listen to the sound of waves on the beach. Tuning in to that allows me to tune out the thoughts.
15 Jan
5:36pm, 15 Jan 2025
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Forest - impressive weight gain, that's a on you don't really want. Prob my only chance of a pb nowadays.

LMH - good work on the 18m, nice one. Longest for a while ?.........biking isn't annoying the hammy, hope fully its extra flossing. Some folks say it keeps sciatica at bay. Won't do anything outside of the bike commute tomorrow, physio in the evening. Not sure re Friday yet, hopefully I can try a run at weekend.

DT - agreed, but no point pootling on the bike. Sessions is the way to go. I was doing double sessions 15 years ago (except they were bike and swim instead of the current fashion of double run sessions)........it would help that lady's fitness. But the problem is the running deload, which takes time to rebuild and has risks of new niggles etc........I have a Brighton number. Which is first weekend in April.
15 Jan
5:39pm, 15 Jan 2025
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The research says that relaxing in bed is nearly as good as sleeping. The worse possible thing to do is worry about not sleeping. Once you have young kids who dont sleep until they are 2ish, you realise you won't die if you don't get much sleep......but I wasn't running marathons back then.
15 Jan
5:45pm, 15 Jan 2025
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Gerard - just had a look, but more flash than my garage gym. Lots of cross training options.
15 Jan
5:55pm, 15 Jan 2025
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Little Miss Happy
Did one on the 29th December TR which was the first for a long time.
15 Jan
7:19pm, 15 Jan 2025
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Lmh, yes I read this stuff that says if you aren't asleep in 30 mins you should get up and do something else. As you say, lying still in bed with eyes closed is a close 2nd. It becomes a problem when you get stressed about it and have a very restless night. For me, knowing the time was a big stress inducer. Years ago if I wasn't asleep by a certain time I'd get up and neck half a bottle of wine!

Tr, yes for sure, I just wasn't sure how used to be on a bike she is so didn't want to plunge her in full throttle and injure herself on that as well. But yes most cyclists I know, other than a long ride on weekend are tending to be flat out racing on zwift.

Agreed re kids, particularly 2 a few years apart so that when the baby who has had you up all night then sleeps until 11am, the 3 year who slept through it all is raring to go at 6am! Tough times they were!
15 Jan
7:39pm, 15 Jan 2025
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LMH.. cars are a drain on the purse strings, a few years ago me & Mrs Wardi managed with one car for a while and my wallet was certainly fatter for it. Congrats on the under fuelled 18m, true grit!

TR.. biking didn't bother my sciatica too much last summer, a bit of numbness but didn't make it any worse. Good work on the 60 mins cross training again.

Jooligan.. excellent timber gain, I hear the girls do prefer a beefcake. 🙂 I'm sure the running from here on will shift the weight in good time.

DT19.. I didn't get a place for Brass so going to spectate. A couple of our fast crew are running, should be mid 70-75 mins. Great miles/sessions from you.

Lovely blue sky & sun today so did a loop of the racecourse, 7.2m including an out & back from the car. Another 4.5m this afternoon.
16 Jan
12:04am, 16 Jan 2025
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Nice long run LMH

GerardM my racing shoes are the Decathlon Kelenji Kiprun KD900x I have used them for racing, most tempo/interval runs and most long runs involving MP or faster sections. Had them since August 2023 and currently have 743 miles logged on them. Not showing any signs of wear and tear but wonder how effective the carbon fibre plate and foam are now. Saying that before my injury I was running faster than I have in years. Will be looking at the new version beginning of April just for racing and keeping the current pair for faster training

Nice session DT.

Nice bit of weight gain FJ I am sure the parkrun times will go down as the weight goes down. I put a stone and a bit on from getting injured in November to after Christmas

TR hopefully the bike work will keep the fitness up.

Nice 5 miles today. No problems with the Achilles even with a chunk of the run off road. Nice steady climb up from the canal of just over half a mile with no pain. No problems with the Achilles after yesterday’s run in racers.

Probably a rest from running tomorrow between my 1st and 2nd night usually more tired then.
16 Jan
6:57am, 16 Jan 2025
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Little Miss Happy
My knees were not happy yesterday evening but fortunately I seem to have managed to calm them down overnight. I guess they've not run 38 miles in three days in a while. Gym first thing, hand clinic and then see what time I have. Forecast isn't great - back to the cold with a feels like of -1C at 0900hrs and fog forecast to stay all day.

I think that sort of advice is often given to real insomniacs DT19. Wouldn't work for me.

Really does sound as if you've sorted your achilles riggys.
16 Jan
8:15am, 16 Jan 2025
744 posts
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TR you are a dark horse. Trying out gyms, getting married-who knew? I've tried too but not for me.
Why are your knees troubled LMH. Good luck with the hand assessment.
Great news riggys, glad your confidence is coming back.
FJ that's a fair chunk of weight- will certainly make a big difference if you can start to shift it.
The mile race was on road. It's a series, one a month. Very low key- about 50 runners. Yesterday was a poor turnout. I came 4th with 5:47 which felt comfortable not surprisingly. Today is an easy MLR, swim tomorrow then parkrun Saturday. 16-18 Sunday should land mid 50s.
OO to be honest, I didn't know what race you were trying to qualify for either 🤭
Double day Wardi 🧐

About This Thread

Maintained by TR

Fetch has said us RW refugees can relocate here. I know there are existing sub3 and 3.15 threads, but the fetch threads seem to be for more infrequent posters. The RW threads are more of a daily diary.

We'll see how it goes.

I'm a M57 hanging on to sub3. I'm unattached harriers so like a place to talk a bit of running and find some inspiration and accountability.
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