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RW sub3/3.15

5 lurkers | 42 watchers
13 Jan
9:44am, 13 Jan 2025
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So sorry to hear that news Riggsy, the only positive is you where there first.Good response by the funeral services. Take care all.

TR - Unlucky.
Wardi - Re: Barcalona, I saw it had sold out. Similar pattern with Seville, which sold out earlier than usual and released a further 2k places. Malaga has hit 2K, 5 months early. There is soo much to like about Spanish marathons. Hope my favourite, Gran Canaria, is resurrected.
DT - An excellent 22m, well in the zone. Super draw for Plymouth, its been a strange old week, lost Rooney, gained a new manager, a new record signing and beat a top tier team away for the first time in 41 years!

0061 - 52m sounding good. Magness, the coach reckons for us older athletes the key is just maintaining performance, consistency in othe words and you are beating that drum.
LMH - You must really hate the cold by now.
Gerard - How is it going? Hopefully better sleeps and a decent week.
SJ/ TT - How's things?

Taper time here with my marathon 12 days away. A decent week 47m with a few progression runs which felt good and running with a full race pack - which feels odd. The plan now is to race it, as if I win the 60-64 AG (I've a chance) I automatically qualify for the UTMB finals in Chamonix in 2026 to run again my dream race the OCC!
13 Jan
10:55am, 13 Jan 2025
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Little Miss Happy
Good luck with that OuchOuch! Yes. I am so done with winter. Unfortunately I think it will be a while before it's done with me.

Whilst warmer today (I use the term loosely) it was more slippery so a bit of caution required in places but ten miles run. Hoping to go longer tomorrow and hoping the forecast is correct and it will be warmer!
13 Jan
11:44am, 13 Jan 2025
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Sorry for your loss, Riggys.
13 Jan
1:41pm, 13 Jan 2025
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Riggsy - I am sorry for your loss. It cannot have been easy finding him; hopefully you're all doing ok!

LMH - good that things are warming up up there. Sounds positive with the 10m too.

OO - sounding in very good nick! Great to read!

DT - nice training! Looking good!

GerardM - well salvaged week!

Wardi - good spot with Rosa Mota. Nice to see your training is going well!

No real running for me last week. A 3m and 2m on Monday and Tuesday, respectively, I think. Got a little bit of XT in. Saturday I popped along to the Hampshire League XC to watch - Jr was running and I wanted to see what it was like to be around a race environment again.

It was nice to catch up with clubmates, but watching it definitely reinforced the mindset that I have no real interest in turning up at races to trot around.

On the plus side, weights yesterday (included a 120kg deadlift, after multiple sets at 50 and 70kg) showed my strength is slowly coming back. A 4m run this morning to start the week.
13 Jan
1:58pm, 13 Jan 2025
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So sorry riggys awful things to happen. You really have done him proud πŸ’—
13 Jan
4:21pm, 13 Jan 2025
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Riggsy, really sorry to hear this. Sounds like you handled a terrible situation admirably. Hope Mrs Riggsy is bearing up OK.

Lmh, yes I went out at lunchtime and whilst warmer, a chilly wind has been brought into the mix. Still patches of ice about as well.

Ouchouch, that AG situation has introduced a whole new element into the race. Looking forward to seeing how you go. Yes, it's been quite a week for the club.

TT, nice work on the weights and run. Don't blame you after watching xc, think that'd put me off wanting to race as well!

Some s and c earlier then a 7.5m recovery with strides at lunchtime. Spin this evening. Payday tomorrow so shoukd be entering Malaga.

Any thoughts on parts of the city to stay in,Ouchouch?
13 Jan
4:54pm, 13 Jan 2025
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Little Miss Happy
That's an unusual payday DT19. I'm hoping it really is warmer tomorrow and that if so it doesn't exacerbate the flooding issues.

TT - you'll know if/when you want to think about racing or even joining in by pacing. Good to hear that you're up to four miles and strength is improving too.
13 Jan
5:03pm, 13 Jan 2025
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Lmh, yes it is. I think we do it to balance outgoings as a firm. All employees get paid on 20th and partners are paid on 14th.

I've entered the ballot for great north run for what I think is 5th time. Surely the odds aren't that far against entry!
13 Jan
5:25pm, 13 Jan 2025
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DT/LMH - similar at mine. We get paid on the 15th.

Riggys – So sorry for your loss. I hope you are all ok in as much as you could be under the circumstances.

TR – Not easy playing the patience game. I'm sure you will bounce back stronger.

LMH – Good news about the sink. Nice that your friend is able to help with these issues. Yep, it's ginna be a while yet before we come out of this but time does fly, I hope the ice and snow don't continue as that's a total nightmare. What constitutes longer for you? Hope so re the forecast!

DT – I understand your logic, It's quite a low risk, I just have to be switched on and I'm lit up like a Xmas tree . Got a brilliant high-viz vest for Xmas which has a front and back light across the torso. I also have a super high lumen head torch. The pavements aren’t great in places but again, I just have to be vigilant and slow down a bit. The other issue with running down by the prom and harbour is the wind, another good reason to avoid it.

Wardi – Cracking mileage given the weather situation.

OO61 – Haha, you are a gent helping out your pal with the long run. Nice LSR and you exceeded your target.

OO – Ooh, getting close. I bet you are excited. I am doing well, thank you. The 2nd dose I caught was luckily, very mild. Sleeping a bit better now too, thanks. I seem to have these morbid thoughts when my head hits the pillow, I expect it's to do with the shocking passing of my friend and a few other premature passing's recently. Lots of illness in the family too atm, which is very sad. We are lucky to be healthy and to be able to run. It's a blessing really when you think about it.

TT – Nice steady progress with the 4 miler. I am not surprised the way you feel about the competing or not rather atm. It must be difficult for someone at your level, it can't be easy to just turn up and jog round a race. I have a friend who won a commonwealth medal in swimming and who competed at that level in triathlon too, who just runs for fitness now. He has zero interest in turning up to events as he used to bloody win them all! How did junior get on? My son is 16, I would love it if he showed an interest in running. His sports are football and basketball. He coaches junior football too on weekends. Loves it. We are lucky are children are into sports pursuits. Long may it continue.

DT – Had I not entered Budapest and had 3 other holidays planned, then I would have been on the Malaga marafun bus.

I managed to salvage a 44m week even with illness doing it's best to put the kibosh on my training plans. Did a 17 mile long run yesterday in glorious sunny but cold conditions. The Valley I tend to run on weekends doesn't get much sun in winter and it's often flooded in winter. 3 separate couples who were out walking, warned me about ice up ahead, very nice that they did. I thought it must be pretty bad and sure enough; it was. First time I've seen ice on the roads (or toads according to my strava lol) for many years. I had to walk some parts as it was so bad. I was not taking any risks, especially coming back down as there were still patches even at mid-day. Did a parkrun with a friend who I haven't seen in a while. Asked me to pace him to low 23 mins but he hasn't run in over 3 weeks. Only one way that was ever gonna go. Held the pace for a little over a mile and then he blew up. Not the easiest of courses either and the 2nd half is tougher. Jogged in a tad over 24. The rest of the weekend was mostly spent in the SPA which I just joined. Did some swimming but could only manage a pathetic 250m. My swim fitness isn't the best atm, scope for improvement. I enjoyed the ice plunge pool yesterday after my long run and did a long stint in the sauna too. The facilities are quite luxurious. Felt really good on my long run this weekend compared to last which was almost certainly lurgy affected. Was hoping to knock out some sub 7 mm in the last 5 miles but I developed a very annoying blister on my big toe. It's bigger than a penny and I can't run on it today as a result. Ah, well off to the spa again for me it is then … Oh and had a great s&c session with my PT today. Really enjoyed it, surprised myself how much I actually do.
13 Jan
5:41pm, 13 Jan 2025
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Little Miss Happy
Gerard - glad you managed to stay upright. I'd have popped the blister, stuck a Compeed on and run. :-) Sounds as though you're going to get your money's worth from the spa. I am very fortunate to have a few good friends, unfortunately not many are local. I met this one when I offered to mentor him training for his first marathon, as a V55 he ran a GFA time - and London changed it the next day! He still runs but has never committed to the training in the same way despite retiring a couple of years later. I would so like a break in warmer climes. Really need to sort something before Jersey - October is such a long way away. Have a triage appointment with the MSK team on Thursday to see when/if I need an operation on my hand though. No idea when it will happen if they decide I do but it's likely to mean between 2 and 12 weeks when I can't drive - and therefore can't work - depending on which operation they think is needed which is a bit of a worry. Trying not to yell until I'm kicked though!

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Maintained by TR

Fetch has said us RW refugees can relocate here. I know there are existing sub3 and 3.15 threads, but the fetch threads seem to be for more infrequent posters. The RW threads are more of a daily diary.

We'll see how it goes.

I'm a M57 hanging on to sub3. I'm unattached harriers so like a place to talk a bit of running and find some inspiration and accountability.
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