Run Every Day October 2018 #RED

4 watchers
Oct 2018
11:55am, 17 Oct 2018
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I don't know how you can classify yourself as a fraud swittle :-o How long has your streak been?

Day 17 *tick* - still ouchy but a little little bit faster and a little bit longer so getting back there slowly!
Oct 2018
12:11pm, 17 Oct 2018
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*shuffles a bit* 1021 days.

Good to hear you're regenerating well! :)
Oct 2018
12:56pm, 17 Oct 2018
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So you started before 1st October then! ;-) that's some going swittle - congratulations champagne
Oct 2018
3:21pm, 17 Oct 2018
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Thank you, minardi :) My third four-figure streak, hoping not to tempt fate :-o
Oct 2018
8:04pm, 17 Oct 2018
15,638 posts
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Wow, Swittle. And I fell apart after a fraction of that :(
Oct 2018
11:45pm, 17 Oct 2018
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After a HM together, my running partner and I simply kept running day after day, to 50 or 60 days typically, and then we'd have a rest day. I simply kept going from mid-2008 and joined the Streaky Bacon thread when I joined Fetch.

If you get injured, the sensible course is to rest it 'til it's right. I can't do that but I can regulate the distance, pace and terrain.

Tonight: 8pm. Over the coastal park to Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre, skirt the Marina and a trip down the beach to sea how the sea was. Saw the brave pug with his blue, illuminated collar, and a cheerful husky. 4.1 miles.

17 for 17.
Oct 2018
9:09am, 18 Oct 2018
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Your runs sounds fab swittle.

How you doing Gimme? Does it feel better for being rested?

I've not done today yet. I was getting subtle* digs about something being my fault (i.e. he forgot to do something) because I was out running and not in the office yesterday morning. *not

So I've decided to go out after work today. I've been going out in the morning as we have had something on every night this week and I didn't want to delay us going out. It seems I can't win either way. I'm waiting for him to get to the office (yes, it's ok for him to not turn up til 9.30 or later) and ask why I'm not running this morning.

Just in case you're not aware, we work for ourselves at home (well, in the garden to be pedantic) and can pick our hours to suit. Which I was doing. To suit me. Obviously not him.

And I bet I sit here for hours twiddling my thumbs while he gets started and doesn't ask me to do something until just before going home time.

Sorry, just ignore me. There's no one here for me to vent at!
Oct 2018
4:04pm, 18 Oct 2018
4,273 posts
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Still venting. He's just put a heap of work on my desk at 4 o'fecking'o'clock. We finish at 4.
Oct 2018
8:28pm, 18 Oct 2018
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I'm not surprised you're fuming, Minardi!

My knee might be getting better. I didn't notice it when I came downstairs this morning - only afterwards did I think, "It can't have hurt or I'd have noticed!" but then it's been quite sore all day at work. Then nothing this evening - not a twinge or throb or sore bit if I poke it.
I'm hoping the knee support I've ordered will be here tomorrow. There's a treadmill at the hotel we're going to next week so I'm thinking I'll have a gentle joglet on that as it will be a kinder surface than concrete. Much as I hate treadmills.....
Oct 2018
11:19pm, 18 Oct 2018
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minardi: does 'he' run? I find there are people who don't appreciate how tricky it sometimes is to fit in even a short outing. As for working closely with a partner, I've no experience.

Hope you've got out for your run.

GM: rest it as long as you can, then walk & run alternately for short periods: 5 minutes of each to start.

8pm. Another calm, clear night, the moon a waxing gibbous.

Over the coastal park & past the Marina, where three lads on bikes whom I'd seen earlier quietly watched as I went by. On the prom stretching, a big, black Lab loomed out of the dark to sat hello. Tide was well out and had left a good firm surface. Over the sandhills & home. 4 miles.

18 for 18

About This Thread

Maintained by merry minardi *hic*
Anyone else doing it this year? Thought I'd give it a go as my next badge for streaking is 28 ...

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