Returning to running, thanks to being spurred on by cancer

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Aug 2012
2:26pm, 8 Aug 2012
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Definitely not mental! lol! I was really rough before I had my op and couldn't run but did everything else I could to stay as healthy as possible - good food, plenty of water and I slept for England!

I did a 5 mile race while I was undergoing RT but I was so rough afterwards that I decided to wait until after my treatment finished before I carried on running. I still get side effects but I think they are getting better but of course I am now having to start from square one!
Aug 2012
2:32pm, 8 Aug 2012
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What a fantasically uplifting thread - I love Fetchland :) - great stuff Millie, love the attitude - hope you start a blog as well ;)
Aug 2012
2:41pm, 8 Aug 2012
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Did you have RT before surgery Roobarb? Ive had a lumpectomy and am awaiting chemo radiation. I'm stubborn!

A blog?! Lol. You dont want to read what goes on in my head!
Aug 2012
3:42pm, 8 Aug 2012
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You should do a blog! Its good for brain dumping! I used mine quite a bit for that over the past few years.

I had my surgery (hysterectomy) before my RT. It was thought that I would be able to get away with just the surgery but the tumour was grade 3 so they just wanted to be sure it hadn't spread anywhere else. All the tests were negative so it was just a belt and braces exercise :)

I'm stubborn too lol!
Aug 2012
3:48pm, 8 Aug 2012
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Having had a hysterctomy a couple of years ago after being diagnosed with ovarian cancer - the reoccurence is in my breast. I actually think running was really helpful at keeping the menopausal side effects to a minium - cant have hrt as my cancer is hormone receptive (awkward as well as stubborn!)
Aug 2012
9:57pm, 8 Aug 2012
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Jen J
Hello :) welcome to fetch x
Aug 2012
6:55am, 9 Aug 2012
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Hello Jen J :)
Aug 2012
7:40am, 9 Aug 2012
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MillieB- I m sad about your cancer recurrence. I have a rare cancer treatable in the eye where the primary was but untreatable once it spreads outside the eye.
Usually once it spreads outside the eye one dies in 3-12 months. I ran Endinburgh Marathon the month is spread to my liver and I became terminally ill. That was May 2009! Running has been essential to me to help me deal with my anger- NHS dose not feel life is worth prolonging if incurable with my disease so every treatment has been begged and fought for. Running half marathons up to the day before liver resections helped me cope physically with the pain of surgery and having more muscle mass helped me walk better. My core muscles are pathetic now having been sliced open a couple of times but if I didnt try they'd be worse. Running takes me outside and gives me fresh air- running makes me fitter than others my age so drs will risk more. Running gives me heroes ( well all sport) heroes help me explain why I dont just want to sit on the sofa . Running helps me accept things - no at 53 I am never going to run a sub 8min mile again, I still hope to get back to my 9:20 min mile marathon pace but a long way to go. I also accept that most likely I will die of my disease - I used to know for sure I would never see the 2012 olympics but I'm here and diesease free. Running helps me see how much can be acheived just by putting one foot in front of the other. Because I m a runner in January this year when I could hardly walk across a room i planned and trained to run my first mile and was skiing by the end of the month. Running helps me accept the bitter sweet stuff- as a runner one has to accept reality- injury , fatigue , lack of ability, as an incurable cancer patient there are many realities .
Running has taught me to fight like hell and hang on in there-

Running has taught me to learn the rules!

The above has been essential as once one has a rare disease the NHS does not automatically cover you , you have to swallow your pride, and beg, fight Trusts and show them where they have not followed the rules.

Running has made me a unique patient in the UK(some say unique world wide) - still alive disease free and running having been told to go home and die many times since 2009. It made me tough to fight for treatments to prolong my life and gave me the stamina to endure a lot of emotional pain. I want others to follow my path which is why I go on about it sorry for all those who get bored.

Good luckMillieB and make your own statistics - I best go out and run now!
Aug 2012
8:32am, 9 Aug 2012
68,063 posts
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Wow Lak, i applaud you. heart

Millie, it looks like you've found your spiritual home, welcome. :)
Aug 2012
8:35am, 9 Aug 2012
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Old Croc
blimey what a post Lak.

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Having ran an awful lot in my teens - I had the joys of hav...

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