Jan 2015
3:20pm, 14 Jan 2015
7,332 posts
Despite the odds Bailey has made it to his 12th birthday. To think we were praying he's made Xmas we are very grateful.
Jan 2015
3:32pm, 14 Jan 2015
19,171 posts
Aw that's great GG.
I'm grateful I had some annual leave left to take so I could have a snow day off rather than WFH. QP and I have had a ball playing in the snow and now chilling out
Jan 2015
3:35pm, 14 Jan 2015
5,972 posts
Lip Gloss
I'm grateful for the fact that I have continued to be able to work just part time which meant I got an afternoon visit with grandson..
Jan 2015
8:01pm, 14 Jan 2015
5,212 posts
I'm grateful for getting to work before the blizzard, and for it all going away before I left. And for having colleagues that make me laugh even when I'm threatening to strangle them.
And second how great that is GG.
Jan 2015
8:12pm, 14 Jan 2015
14,074 posts
That is great GG Today I am grateful that I was able to do a PT session this morning and a run this evening
Jan 2015
9:02pm, 14 Jan 2015
3,777 posts
Great news GG.
I'm grateful that the broadband is working again when it looked like it would be down for a couple of days.
Jan 2015
10:12pm, 15 Jan 2015
19,178 posts
Today I am grateful that the training was interesting and useful, and I feel enthused. Still grateful it finished early. Also that the snow has melted and one of the remaining routes home wasn't flooded.
Jan 2015
10:20pm, 15 Jan 2015
7,338 posts
I look forward to posting a running related grateful post. However today I am grateful that my exam went well, the questions didn't phase me, the hard work paid off.
This was followed by a lovely afternoon with geordiemum we had massages then wine and a good old chin wag. Perfick.
Jan 2015
10:26pm, 15 Jan 2015
14,097 posts
That does sound like a good day GG! I am grateful for some time with my Mum and the presents she gave me
Jan 2015
11:45pm, 15 Jan 2015
5,215 posts
At the risk of repeating myself, for colleagues that make me laugh. And that organise curry nights. And buy me vodka. Hic.