Jan 2015
10:33pm, 10 Jan 2015
3,707 posts
Yesterday grateful that my conference went well and for the support of colleagues, and today to spend the whole. day. with my lovely cousin, who I love like a brother, something I don't often get to do.
Jan 2015
10:35pm, 10 Jan 2015
3,708 posts
Think I missed Thursday when I was grateful for getting some work done on my PhD at last.
Jan 2015
11:08pm, 10 Jan 2015
5,187 posts
Today I'm grateful for the peace to have a lie-in, and not having to set a foot across the door.
Jan 2015
9:22am, 11 Jan 2015
13,994 posts
Yesterday I was grateful for a lovely evening out with old friends at a 50th birthday party
Jan 2015
6:38pm, 11 Jan 2015
19,150 posts
Today I am grateful for ELECTRICITY after 64 hours without. Will fill in my missed days later.
Jan 2015
7:14pm, 11 Jan 2015
3,729 posts
Poor you! That sounds awful.
Today I'm grateful that LIttleD is much better and probably going to school tomorrow.
Jan 2015
7:33pm, 11 Jan 2015
126 posts
No sickness in our house (touch wood)
Jan 2015
9:15pm, 11 Jan 2015
212 posts
Grateful for a fantastic weekend adventure in the Lakes
Jan 2015
9:21pm, 11 Jan 2015
14,004 posts
Grateful for a walk in the sun, tasty healthy food and an evening run with K.
Jan 2015
10:29pm, 11 Jan 2015
19,155 posts
Thurs - grateful for a more positive day! Fri - Grateful that the worst of the damage was some broken glass at the greenhouse. Also for all our camping gear and the wood burning stove. Also that our landlord checked in on us. Sat - the local villages had power so we could get some breakfast and for my wonderful friend offering us a cosy place to hang out and all the tea we could drink. Sun - the same friend letting us use her shower and her sister offering a gas heater.
Overall this weekend has shown me how lucky we are to have a roof over our heads and heat, light and all those conveniences we take for granted on a day to day basis. It's been exhausting just going about our normal business.