Aug 2014
7:53pm, 28 Aug 2014
18,496 posts
Hello all! Been without WiFi for weeks so very behind. Not sure I can do each missed day but suffice to say.... I am grateful that the move went well, QP seems to be settling at new school and after school club and work going well.
Aug 2014
8:38pm, 28 Aug 2014
2,437 posts
Hi HP. Glad you are settling well.
I have also given up on trying to close the gap. But I am grateful that the rain has stopped, that my Dad is OKish, and that BillyW got over his illness in time to pass his cycling course.
Aug 2014
9:49pm, 28 Aug 2014
12,303 posts
that is good to hear HP, happy new home I thought about this thread this mornign and meant to get back to it, so I am grateful you posted today and I am grateful K is due back tonight
Aug 2014
8:52pm, 29 Aug 2014
18,502 posts
Today I am grateful that my first full service meeting went well, the majority of my colleagues appear to be lovely and that my new boss was only joking (presumably) about me being a trouble maker.
Aug 2014
9:48pm, 29 Aug 2014
2,441 posts
Good stuff HP!
Today I'm grateful that the course went really well and the feedback was good. And that it's over!
Aug 2014
11:14pm, 29 Aug 2014
12,315 posts
fab HP Today I am grateful for a great PT session and an evening at the cinema with K
Sep 2014
10:11am, 1 Sep 2014
2,447 posts
Sat I was grateful that my mood improved throughout the day.
Yesterday I was grateful that my Dad is feeling ever better.
Sep 2014
10:16am, 1 Sep 2014
12,328 posts
saturday I was garetful for a lovely time with friends sunday I was grateful that MiL seems to be doing ok and for fish and chips for tea!
Sep 2014
11:18am, 1 Sep 2014
18,513 posts
Sat I was grateful for a lazy feeling, yet productive day.
Yesterday for a lovely afternoon with friends. Picnic lunch in the garden and lots of laughs. I am loving this new house more and more.
Sep 2014
8:39pm, 5 Sep 2014
18,530 posts
Tues - grateful that QP can fend for himself when I have a migraine and he made me tea and toast Wed - grateful for a positive day at work and meeting one of my schools.
Thurs - the beautiful scenery on my drive to and from my further away school and fish fingers and chips for tea Today - lovely lunch with colleagues, finally got my work laptop and a chilled evening with my boy!!