Sep 2018
1:39pm, 27 Sep 2018
19,532 posts
Wriggling Snake
I think we have to be a little careful about whether you're exploited at work. If you willingly get up in the morning/evening, and go to work, and get paid, all along the way you agreed to it. Especially so if you have an education and have choices about where you can work and what you can do and are financially secure then you're not being exploited you're making a choice.
I often felt undervalued at my last place of employment, but I made a choice to sit it out for my redundancy, which I got, so not exploitation, just my choice.
It is a political issue.
I think a lot of the coercion/protection of workers in this particular industry were covered in law, 2000s perhaps?
Sep 2018
1:48pm, 27 Sep 2018
29,246 posts
Sorry WS, not sure what you're saying here?
That workers in lap dancing bars are mostly educated are financially secure and make choices about where to work and a what to do, so they are not exploited.
Or do you mean computer nerds / office slaves like me and you?
I'd agree with the latter but definitely not the former.
Protection of workers in the sex industry is just an oxymoron, surely. There shouldn't be a sex industry. And strip clubs and lap dancing I would classify as sex industry. It's not sex but it's on the spectrum. Ditto pornography. Our society shouldn't need it. Our society doesn't need it.
Discuss! G
Sep 2018
1:59pm, 27 Sep 2018
6,699 posts
Why shouldn’t there be a sex industry 😄Grrr?
Imagine if the industry was re-imagined and those who work in it were only those who chose to work there, had good wages, were not in the hands of criminals but more reputable people who looked after them and treated them well. If they operated like any other business. Would that be better?
You say our society doesn’t need it but there can be many unforeseen and unintended consequences of large changes, so we can’t say for sure that it doesn’t fill a need in society, only that we can’t fully identify what that need may be.
The issue here seems to be that you don’t like people being involved in or consuming from the sex industry; that is an understandable point of view but there are those who feel the same about alcohol, gambling, (legal) drugs - who decides what is right and what is allowable?
Sep 2018
2:04pm, 27 Sep 2018
9,319 posts
Happy, our society does need it or it wouldn't happen.
It is driven by demand.
I think you need to take your chill pill, live and let live.
Sep 2018
2:18pm, 27 Sep 2018
29,247 posts
Lol, yes, it definitely makes me angry lammo. So, for my own health, if not for the peace of those around me, chill pill well and truly prescribed!
Jambomo - but you've just outed me as the puritan I am! I don't drink, smoke, take drugs or eat meat! I'd ban them all, as they all harm either the consumer, the producer or both! Basically I'm a totalitarian communist I think!
Let's all live together in harmony with flora and fauna and not shaft each other!
So Jambomo, if it was re-imagined as all you described it wouldn't be an industry. Where there's money there is power, greed and exploitation. That's why we regulated. And you still get thieves, fraudsters and inside traders. And we jail all of them (except inside traders, because they're white, middle-class males).
And don't make changes because it's... a bit difficult? That's rather defeatist isn't it? I'm not suggesting practical policies here. I'm talking high falutin principles only!
Anyhoo, I've probably done the subject to death. I think all sex for money is wrong and should be banned and transgressors (the buyers, not the sellers) should be hunted down by my anti-Fun Police service.
Simple. G
Sep 2018
2:37pm, 27 Sep 2018
10,096 posts
So, you're a puritanical totalitarian communist who's about to apologise to his wife?
Sep 2018
2:47pm, 27 Sep 2018
29,249 posts
Already apologised for my angry outburst and storming off to bed last night Llama. I'm *very* experienced at apologising! So tonight I'm going apologise again for not listening to her point of view (which I will still no more agree with than I do with any of you "individual freedoms", "it's just human nature" lot) and then do some more apologising for not having heard her out before.
Sep 2018
2:49pm, 27 Sep 2018
9,320 posts
Good man.
Sep 2018
2:55pm, 27 Sep 2018
10,097 posts
you forgot "damn liberal elite"
Sep 2018
3:12pm, 27 Sep 2018
5,799 posts
Thank you all. I do like reading a good debate