
1 lurker | 214 watchers
Nov 2023
10:00pm, 4 Nov 2023
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Johnny Blaze
Leaving aside the NL association for one moment, the point is that other, more structured, and essentially kinder responses are available besides simply sweeping the streets clean to keep the Tory base vote happy.
Nov 2023
10:01pm, 4 Nov 2023
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Joint Strategic Needs Assessment - Bristol - updated May 2023

Nov 2023
10:08pm, 4 Nov 2023
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Johnny Blaze
Might be my rubbish phone but I can't open that.
Nov 2023
10:11pm, 4 Nov 2023
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Johnny Blaze
Homelessness Findings
Homelessness is associated with severe poverty and adverse health, education and social

outcomes and this came into focus during the Covid-19 pandemic. Households who have

become homeless through no fault of their own and are in priority need (such as street

homeless, hidden homeless, families, victims of domestic abuse and people with significant

health conditions) are some of the most vulnerable and needy members of the community.
Although there are many different types of homeless households, rough sleeping is the most

visible manifestation of homelessness. Many people who sleep rough will suffer from complex

and multiple health problems, such as mental health problems and addiction and they are also

in greater danger of violence than in the general population. Other health impacts associated

with rough sleeping include higher rates of communicable diseases such as TB, HIV and


So yes, Cruella, it's a lifestyle choice...
Nov 2023
10:14pm, 4 Nov 2023
101,723 posts
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Let me try again for you. I couldn't open the link in my post either.

Nov 2023
10:23pm, 4 Nov 2023
31,211 posts
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Johnny Blaze
It did some weird stuff but I finally read it. Same problems seem to exist now as then. It’s just we have two governments with wildly different attitudes to them. But cruelty is always easy. It’s simple and straightforward and appeals to those who think cruelty is strength. Taking a kind approach requires empathy, and it’s messy and complicated and expensive and harder to manage, so obviously clueless loons like Braverman will never go for it.
Nov 2023
10:37pm, 4 Nov 2023
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Yes, my thoughts are similar: in around 25 years, the scandal of rough sleeping still seems to remain intransigent, resistant to local & national government initiatives. I'm reminded of Matthew Parris's attempt in 1983 to live 7 days in a council property in Scotswood, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Not rough sleeping, I realise.

The article - from a local newspaper - states he's trying this again, 20 years on.

Nov 2023
10:47pm, 4 Nov 2023
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Thoughtful swittle.

I've known a few people who have slept "rough" for one night either as party of a charity event, or awareness event, etc, and they have all HATED it. One night, knowing you can bail, having had a nice warm day, and no persistent psychological demons. HATED it.
Nov 2023
10:56pm, 4 Nov 2023
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The vulnerability of the rough sleeper is very evident: cold, dampness, lack of toilet facilities, openness to exploitation, interruption to supplies of food, declining health, poor self esteem...and the list will not end there. I am miserable enough getting caught in rain that soaks me through - however, as you say, I'm a train/bus ride from home.
Nov 2023
11:29pm, 4 Nov 2023
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Derby Tup
Open to violence too swittle. Not only must sleeping rough be miserable, but it must be extremely frightening a lot of the time

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