
2 lurkers | 214 watchers
Nov 2023
12:35pm, 4 Nov 2023
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Turning back to religion I can’t believe she’s Buddhist.
Nov 2023
12:37pm, 4 Nov 2023
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Johnny Blaze
Slave owners used to file into church every Sunday. I'm not the least bit surprised by whited sepulchres like Mogg and Braverman.
Nov 2023
12:43pm, 4 Nov 2023
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Dave A
My mother claims to believe that food banks are just giving handouts to lazy/stupid/otherwise worthless people.

That’s a view held by my dad and one of my inlaws. Their wording is that people who go to food banks and are in poverty are those who waste £3.50 on coffees at cafes.
The common denominator is The Daily Mail as they have only met on about 4 occasions.
My dad was a lifelong labour supporter, being working class, and inlaw never voted until Brexit and then the last election where they both voted ‘For Boris.’
Although both are well off now, they are the kind of person who would suffer as children and young adults in the current government.
It just shows how easily swayed even people who have a decent amount of intelligence in their bodies can be.

And they think Corbyn is a commie.
Nov 2023
12:44pm, 4 Nov 2023
15,789 posts
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Not sure I’ve yet seen a war about climate change.

It's been argued that most wars are really about natural resources, and climate change is certainly a potential factor in that (eg rainfall) though far from the only one.
Nov 2023
2:50pm, 4 Nov 2023
48,332 posts
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Climate change will definitely lead to wars - massive refugee exodus from affected areas, large currently populous areas becoming uninhabitable, pressure on the countries and territories that are in the goldilocks zone where the climate change still leaves them habitable (e.g. UK, potentially?) Whether it's 10 years, 30 years or 100 years away, catastrophe in the shape of political and social upheaval and even war is coming. And yet I and most of western world still drive, fly, heat my home with gas/oil etc. Sigh. The poor kids and grandkids.
Nov 2023
2:56pm, 4 Nov 2023
15,791 posts
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I think that overstates both the speed of change and the dominance of climate change as the main causative factor, but it certainly is a factor which will play a role and quite possibly (probably?) already is to some extent.
Nov 2023
3:01pm, 4 Nov 2023
48,333 posts
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Turning back to religion I can’t believe she’s Buddhist.

Interesting (and of course, kind, thoughtful, helpful and harmonious ;-) ) article from a Buddhist practitioner on how Suella Braverman's Buddhist beliefs might not be in conflict with her politics.

Just a lovely article full stop. Must investigate Buddhism once more! Even if it is also Suella Braverman's chosen philosophy. :-)
Nov 2023
3:40pm, 4 Nov 2023
3,614 posts
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I certainly agree future wars might have some link to climate change. There are definitely conflicts because of resources and there’s obvious potential in the future for water, arable land, etc.

Though the war itself won’t be about beliefs just the effects.
Nov 2023
5:34pm, 4 Nov 2023
24,139 posts
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"We cannot allow our streets to be taken over by rows of tents occupied by people, many of them from abroad, living on the streets as a lifestyle choice"

That's the home secretary being quoted

The whole paragraph is false.

They aren't
They're not
It isn't

So is totally detached from reality? Lying? Or both?
Nov 2023
5:38pm, 4 Nov 2023
15,796 posts
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She’s pandering to people like my mother. It’a hard to tell whether she believes it or not.

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