
8 lurkers | 214 watchers
Nov 2020
7:15pm, 10 Nov 2020
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I never really regard Trump as like Hitler, but rather as a crap version of Mussolini - and Mussolini was already seriously crap.
Nov 2020
7:36pm, 10 Nov 2020
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Johnny Blaze
What possessed America to elect a sociopathic, sexually incontinent, serial liar, cheat and adulterer with ridiculous blonde hair and with no discernible levels of integrity, decency, empathy or personal or public morality?

Thank God it will never happen here.
Nov 2020
7:38pm, 10 Nov 2020
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JB, :)
Nov 2020
8:09pm, 10 Nov 2020
16,885 posts
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So fozzy - Pompeo hear talking about the smooth transition to a second Trump administration:


Ezra Klein - Trump administration trying to conduct a coup in plain sight:

Nov 2020
8:21pm, 10 Nov 2020
1,854 posts
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stuart little
Closer to home, here's a handy visualisation of the flow of donations and contacts in the government: sophieehill.shinyapps.io
Nov 2020
9:43pm, 10 Nov 2020
2,026 posts
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30th anniversary of the fall of the wall this week. Link to a really nice Salomon video Covering a run of the old East West German Border over 5 days.

Nov 2020
10:06pm, 10 Nov 2020
54,667 posts
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Does Trump still have access to the big red button? I’m worried he’s going to take us all with him.
Nov 2020
10:10pm, 10 Nov 2020
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Too Much Water
31 actually JRitchie. Time flies. Great day for those poor people growing up under the scourge of communism.
Nov 2020
10:56pm, 10 Nov 2020
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I read up some attornies on twitter, and the take seems to be Trump's case and position is still weak as piss. Too many thin cases, spread over the country. The electoral college voters were determined before the voters, and they would have to go completely rogue in three states. The states should ratify, the margins aren't close, the electoral college voters were elected to do the bidding of the majority vote. We will see, but it does still seem to be mischief making. The ulterior motive is - he's close to bankrupt, he needs funding and so do GOP for the January senate race, and it's about convincing his backers to give more money. Certainly Biden was derisive in his riposte tonight.

The GSA transition agency not releasing funds, that is to be expected as the woman leading it is a no-brain Trump flunkey: en.wikipedia.org

Read up on what she did with regards to stopping the FBI moving premises, because it might provide an opportunity for a competitor to Trump hotels to use the building which was across the seat... So utterly corrupt, it makes our lot look straight.
Nov 2020
4:01am, 11 Nov 2020
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run free
This agrees with what Chrisull has written above

What the Trump campaign claims in public is not identical to what his lawyers say in court, where they face consequences if they lie.

Perhaps he wants to deliberately deceive the public to create anarchy?

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Maintained by Chrisull
Name-calling will be called out, and Ad hominem will be frowned upon. :-) And whatabout-ery sits somewhere above responding to tone and below contradiction.

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