
2 lurkers | 214 watchers
Nov 2020
10:51pm, 9 Nov 2020
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I am totally unsurprised that most of the republican party is having trouble with accepting defeat.

Hypocrisy runs rife.

I am expecting McConnell to basically block everything full stop for the next 2 years like he did with Obama.

They should be fired for not doing their jobs if they did that.

The irony is that the republicans actually had a good election in terms of the house and senate and in the states.
Nov 2020
10:51pm, 9 Nov 2020
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My son and daughter agree Chrisull, although my daughter did add "apart from you of course".
Nov 2020
12:27am, 10 Nov 2020
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Despite no evidence whatsoever, Trump's attackdog, Bill Barr, has started a DOJ investigation into "voter fraud"

Basically what they are trying to say is that if a Democrat wins an office, it must be illegal.

Nov 2020
12:28am, 10 Nov 2020
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Here's CNBC's fuller story: cnbc.com
Nov 2020
6:27am, 10 Nov 2020
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(4Chan and Discord use by teen gamers to chat to random gamers in the states spreads all sorts of conspiracy rubbish)
Nov 2020
8:11am, 10 Nov 2020
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The BBC reports that the Trump mob have something like 131 signed affidavits.

131 in an election of millions, to paraphrase Trump "those numbers are huge".

What does work me though is the (Partisan) DOJ OK'ing investigation into fraud before all the results are certified. This has caused the guy in charge offraud investigation to resign, is Trump can fill that post with sometime allied then it's a crowbar in the door.
Nov 2020
8:47am, 10 Nov 2020
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But even if DoJ investigate at a federal level what should be a state level, if there has *not* been voting irregularity (or nothing except the normal tiny handful of mistakes or deliberate attempts) then does it matter which body is investigating? It won't result in changes to the result of a state's electoral college votes, will it? So Biden still wins?

I asked a few pages back if anyone can explain to me the numbers in Congress and Senate for Democrat and Republican and how/why Democrats don't have sufficient numbers? Ta!

:-) G
Nov 2020
8:55am, 10 Nov 2020
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The politicisation of the judiciary and administrative posts though is a fundamental of US civil life isn't it though? It's one of the things that really strikes me as different between the US approach and the UK approach. Elected law officers, blatantly partisan office holders etc. No real surprise that Trump would use those sorts of things to maintain power as best as he can.

I wouldn't want to be able to read his mind, but I wonder whether he personally acknowledges the fact that he will be leaving the job in January and is just hell bent on doing whatever he can to disrupt the Biden transition and de=legitimise it as much as possible in the eyes of his supporters so that Biden doesn't ride a wave of new presidential enthusiasm in his first few months in office.

It wouldn't be a poor choice of tactic, even if it is not normally the "done thing".

It's born out of a fundamental lack of buy in to "democracy" by Trump. He wants democracy to support him when it helps him win, but he's no lover of democracy such that he respects it when he loses. Of course, what's dangerous is how far he is prepared to choose non-democratic means to try to remain in power and how much he cares about undermining the constitution. I doubt he cares one iota about the constitution, and I don't think it's too much to suggest that there's a parallel world in which he would be attempting to get the military on side to support him. Fortunately I can't see it coming to that as the US military is something of a check / balance on presidential authority, but it's not utterly out of the question.
Nov 2020
9:54am, 10 Nov 2020
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Mind reading aside, he has complied with the law to arrange handover and has mentioned he will run in 2024 so pretty clear he knows he’s going. The rest is political theatre, a high media profile is essential.
Nov 2020
10:06am, 10 Nov 2020
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Johnny Blaze
I think it's part of his 2024 platform: "I was robbed. They cheated. Time to bring back democracy." Stab in the back conspiracy theories always work well.
However, time is not on his side and physical and cognitive decline can be expected because they have already started. He has also allegedly got 12 federal and state investigations ready to crank up when he gets booted. What he wants may not be what he gets. I suspect he could do almost anything in the next 4 years and 40% of Americans will still support him, but that may not be enough.

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