Sep 2019
8:42am, 16 Sep 2019
2,305 posts
Presumably Boris knows the one about the hulks underpants? That they don't split because he has a very small willy.... |
Sep 2019
8:58am, 16 Sep 2019
8,668 posts
"UK will reject Brexit delay, PM to tell Juncker" Is there any lawful way that Bojo is empowered to make that happen? |
Sep 2019
9:07am, 16 Sep 2019
12,100 posts
Was thinking the same. Bojo would need to break the law (surely) for that to happen. But you can't arrest anyone until the law had been broken. So that drama won't play out till the end of October. |
Sep 2019
9:12am, 16 Sep 2019
8,170 posts
Cummings and BoJo claim to have a plan that is not illegal, or at least can't be shown to be illegal in time. It wouldn't surprise me if there is some technicality that requires parliament to agree the extension and BoJo could maybe prorogue again to prevent that. Equally it could all be a bluff to keep the imagined negotiation pressure up with the EU, or just a means to scare and put the opposition on the back foot. |
Sep 2019
9:14am, 16 Sep 2019
16,057 posts
Nice of the Liberal "Democrats" to complete ignore the word democracy when it suits them. Still, it likely gains them 16.1 millions voters |
Sep 2019
9:14am, 16 Sep 2019
8,669 posts
You don't always get arrested for unlawful acts - not complying wouldn't be criminal. Punishment would only follow if the courts had been asked to enforce the Benn act and then he refused. I suspect it is possible to get the courts involved in some sort of advance compulsion action where a public official is stating in advance that they intend not to comply, but there's a month to go at the moment, so I suspect it is too early and remains posturing. As I've noted before, the EU has to deal with the UK govt. Not quite at face value, in the sense that they can't bury their heads in the sand and ignore both the political realities in the UK and the legislation requiring an extension to be asked for, but if the UK govt sits at the table and says this is the way we want to proceed, the EU isn't empowered to ignore that and proceed in a different direction. On a side note, was irking to see all the motorway info signs advising of Brexit on my trip over the Pennines and up the A1 on Saturday. Part of the "normalisation" approach. Even my podcasts are now having ads added into them about brexit preparedness. Grrr. |
Sep 2019
9:18am, 16 Sep 2019
2,264 posts
Stander, if they get the votes, there's their mandate. Why do Leavers think that the only bit of democracy which counts is that one advisory referendum from over 3 years ago?
Sep 2019
9:18am, 16 Sep 2019
8,171 posts
Stander, likely no majority for leave now so guess Lib Dem’s are reflecting the reality now rather than a slim majority then.
Sep 2019
9:21am, 16 Sep 2019
15,218 posts
Don't worry Steve Barclay wants the transition deal to last til 2022. The mandate will be 8 years old then. It'll be like the mandate to execute pirates sailing up the Thames, it can never grow old.
Sep 2019
9:21am, 16 Sep 2019
5,196 posts
I'm delighted that I can campaign and vote for a party whose brexit policy is sane. At last.
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