
214 watchers
Aug 2019
5:42pm, 21 Aug 2019
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Stander, in 2016 people were asked a stupid, badly thought-out, poorly defined question (largely out of complacency by the Cameron government) in an advisory referendum. As the 3 years since then have shown, it has proven impossible to just leave the EU without the prospect of major damage to the country on all levels, certainly not on the rapid timescale proposed. There is no obligation to follow through with this, knowing what we now know - in fact it would be gross dereliction of duty for any government to do so.

The 2016 referendum, with the wording it had, was just a mistake. The government should simply say "Look, sorry, we screwed up, we offered something which wasn't really possible. We can't go through with it without causing massive damage and we're unwilling to do that". But nobody ever admits mistakes.

This is not to say, incidentally, that any attempt to leave the EU is by definition a mistake. Had it been done differently, by doing the research beforehand and detailing actual ways we could leave without the massive tearing-a-limb-off damage, it might have worked. I wouldn't have been in favour anyway (I believe EU membership is a great boon to this country), but I would not have been so adamantly opposed as I am now.
Aug 2019
6:00pm, 21 Aug 2019
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Did anyone else see the Bulgarian strawberry grower in Hull on the news this morning? Wants to leave Europe as this means his English strawberries will be more in demand (due to the costs and difficulties of importing) and commend higher prices. He does, however, depend on workers from the EU to pick the crop...
Aug 2019
6:42pm, 21 Aug 2019
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0% tariffs on dairy means our farmers are screwed from competition elsewhere. Either our dairy/cars are unaffordable or we destroy our own British industries/farms. Which is it to be?? Yes we will probably seal deals on this pretty bloody quickly (ie 2 or 3 years - remember 7 years is the average for a deal), but not before we've put plenty of farmers out of business first. I thought the Tory party were the party of business? Small and medium businesses would actually be safer under Corbyn and everything he proposes.

Ignore what Trump says about a Nov 1st deal, as the Democrats have pledged to veto it if we don't respect the Good Friday agreement (ie have a backstop in place).

I'm surprised Labour haven't made more of a song and dance about this. Just speaking to the people I know, one having to fly to Europe to set up new warehouses, another having to open offices in Germany/Europe to avoid some of the Brexit shitshow, another folding his entire business and going to work in a warehouse instead because that is preferable to trying to make ends meet.
Aug 2019
6:53pm, 21 Aug 2019
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Johnson's Tories are the party of fuck business
Aug 2019
7:35pm, 21 Aug 2019
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BoJo's apparently agreed to get a credible solution that will remove the need for the backstop in just 30 days. Maybe he'll suggest the Republic of Ireland leaves the EU and joins the UK?
Aug 2019
7:47pm, 21 Aug 2019
439 posts
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oi you
Buy Ireland, possibly?
Aug 2019
8:05pm, 21 Aug 2019
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Get Greenland thrown in for free?
Aug 2019
8:06pm, 21 Aug 2019
33,751 posts
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Derby Tup
He might get trumped on that deal ;-)
Aug 2019
10:17pm, 21 Aug 2019
9,042 posts
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Merkel has pulled a blinder. By getting ABdP Johnson to agree that the "onus is on the UK" to find a solution in 30 days, she's just won the blame game.

Shows how out of his depth our "PM" really is. Outplayed in one meeting.
Aug 2019
10:26pm, 21 Aug 2019
5,015 posts
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Conversely he's kicked the can well past the 3rd September VONC that was looking...

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