pi55ed off corner like the injured bench but with attitude x x x

31 watchers
May 2007
1:29pm, 21 May 2007
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Siamese Pete
I was hoping not to have to do this, but I'm going to have to come and join the corner.

Have no idea how I've done this, but both my hamstrings are so painful I can barely walk, let alone run - any hint of a hamstring stretch is agony.
The only potential cause I can think of (and Mrs SP - my personal GP - agrees) is that I may have caused an intramuscular bleed by having one too many sherberts for several days in a row. That in combination with Warfarin (rat poison!) could have been enough to thin the blood enough to cause a bleed.
So, one week on, I can shuffle (in pain) enough to get round the golf course, but no chance of any running.
Does anyone else have to take warfarin (and drink)??
May 2007
7:49pm, 23 May 2007
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Hi there,

I guess its about time I got out of denial and admit I am actually injured. So have come to join the pissed off corner, cos its definitely representative of how I am feeling at the mo. My troubles started with calf pain about 2 months ago, 3 weeks before Rotterdam Mara. CT helped me out with a diagnosis that it was piriformis related, so did reduced mileage and lots of stretching, and got round marathon in one piece (it was the 28.9 degrees which was more of a problem in the mara than my injury!)

Then did more or less no running for about 3 weeks and started seeing a physio. Piriformis became inflamed and painful (so you were right, CT!) and calf carried on hurting too. Did Berlin 25K (which I took reasonably steady) and bum hurt throughout, and couldn't walk properly when I put my normal shoes back on. Haven't run since.

Very frustrated, cos physio has admitted she doesnt really know what the problem is (i'm now on my 5th visit). She reckons it is something to do with my lower back/s.i. joint , or could be to do with lumpy bits in my back a bit higher up. She has done a bit of ultrasound and is getting my husband to massage my back, bum, and hamstrings, and I'm still doing the piriformis stretches as well. But I can honestly say that my calf is no better than when I first had problems with it, and now my bum and back hurt too! To say I am p*ssed off is an understatement!

I am kind of thinking of seeing another physio, cos my one has no sports injury background at all, and didn't even know what stability shoes were. Some people in my club have recommended someone (I really wish I'd asked them first) so I might try him out. I would feel a bit bad about 'dumping' my current one though, wouldn't really know what to say to her! What do people think?

Hope everyone's injuries are improving.
May 2007
10:36am, 24 May 2007
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Ah excellent, pringles. I was given some belated easter eggs at the weekend, so I'll hand them out too.

I have definitely have been doing some comfort eating of chocolate, and now can't go running to burn it off, weight gain is inevitable...I am going to go to the gym and do some cross training on the elliptical and bike, but its not then same.

Saw my fizz again last night. I asked if I should go back to the doctor, get an MRI etc, but she said she thought she could give a tentative diagnosis of sacroiliac joint dysfunction, wich has caused the referred pain to the bum and calf and caused the trigger points. Lots of massage, continued stretching etc etc required. And rest. Have cancelled all my races for the rest of the summer, I can't even walk without pain atm, let alone run.

Hope you don't mind if I have a grr.


Thats better.

How long have you been off for CL? Hope you recover soon!
May 2007
11:19am, 24 May 2007
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That damned "rest" that physios seem so keen on...I hate it!

On the bright side things are looking up for me at last! :-)

I’ve been told that I might be recoverd enough to get back into regular walking & easy climbing (although not running just yet). So… I’m going to go a short, easy hill-walk at the weekend and if that feels okay, I’ll try to do a short, easy climb as well. Probably nothing harder than a Diff but enough to get myself moving again & test the water. I've got a holiday booked in Torridon in two weeks so I'm madly hoping that I'll at least be able to hill-walk & scramble...

XX (those are crossed fingers)
May 2007
11:30am, 24 May 2007
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Moschops - Arm biking is a gym thing. Basically it's two pedals that you hold on to with your hands and then rotate as if you were pedalling a bike with your arms. It's a good exercise if you want to maintain upper body fitness for climbing, but not very interesting!

Btw: on the physio front I still haven't seen one(!), but luckily I now work in a hospital so have been getting lots of advice from the lovely physio folk who work there. My GP says he's done all the paperwork for the referral but they just seem to be very slow at getting in touch. I'll be recovered by the time the NHS gets its act together!
May 2007
1:49pm, 24 May 2007
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Siamese Pete
You ren't the only one CL.
I went out last night for only 5 mins (first run for 4 weeks) and felt like i'd never run before.
Just come back from 20 mins "running" and fell worse than when I first started running!

BUT, the good thing is that all pain has left my legs - it's just the coccyx that still feels a bit sore.

So I'm going to have to say cheerio to the corner for the time being, and hope to see you all out of here soon.
May 2007
1:50pm, 24 May 2007
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Siamese Pete
Let's try that again!

You aren't the only one CL.
......etc etc
May 2007
6:42pm, 24 May 2007
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Never give up! We'll all get there in the end, even if we may be a bit slow at doing it...
May 2007
9:25pm, 24 May 2007
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Hi again all, I haven't been around for a while as am sort of on and off the bench at the moment with my shin problems. I haven't run without pain for weeks now but I know once I get past the first mile or so it seems to ease up. Did 3.1 this evening and it wasn't too bad but fairly slow. Getting new shoes tomorrow and am hoping they will help/ease/solve the problem.

Healing vibes to all !
May 2007
8:12am, 25 May 2007
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Chicken - Thanks ! Glad your hip is good today. Take it easy whatever you decide to do.
Am off in a minute to get my new shoes with running partner then we are going to 'try' a run. Shins sore again as usual but will give it a go and report back !

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