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pi55ed off corner like the injured bench but with attitude x x x

31 watchers
May 2007
9:55am, 11 May 2007
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i had a lot of knee problems caused by my IT band being too tight and dragging the knee cap off to the side. have you ruled this out RT or is it ligamental?
May 2007
10:00am, 11 May 2007
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Red Tomato
no, its not ligamental, i think it is the IT band with a bit of patellar tendonitis thrown in and a crunchy patellar ( probably caused by misalignement) they all seem to be treated in the same way and am doing icing/stretching/strengthening exercises etc. whatever it is its ****ing annoying ( just trying to get the attitude back in, doesnt really work for me, bit like Leo Sayer)
May 2007
10:01am, 11 May 2007
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Red Tomato
and i've got his hair.
May 2007
10:10am, 11 May 2007
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as long as it's not his brains.

altogether, stand on one leg, lean against the wall, clench buttocks and rotate thigh whilst keeping the knee straight.........

thise were the days, but ilt worked. knees much improved but it took a while. hang in there.
May 2007
10:24am, 11 May 2007
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RT my knee is getting better and why it is getting better is two things - eccentric exercises and GTN Patch on the tendon

Eccentric exercises stress the tendon and cause the fibres to realign themselves. It takes a few weeks and as you know from my saga you get despondant but after about 4-6 weeks you sudeenly notice your knee feels better after doing them. You do it by using a 25* decline baord (A thin plank 8" long resting on a piece of 4X2so it angles from the 4X2 to the floor - stand on that toes down) then slowly drop down - a one legged squat so your knee gets as close to 90* as you can then put weight on good leg and stand up - repeat 15 times three times a day and stretch hams quads and achilles after. - reduce mileage and pace and correct any pronation issues you have.

The GTN patch is a vasodilator and and encourages new vessel growth, my knee really started to improve a wek after using this (may have been coincidental - the work on GTn has been only done on shoulder and achilles tendinopathy) but the patches can and do give you a wicked headache and should be worn for 22 out of 24 hours. If you have a heart condition and or are on other meds this needs to be done under medical supervision.

the eccentri exercises help ITB as well but you need to make sure you stretch your ITB ++ as well
May 2007
10:57am, 11 May 2007
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Red Tomato
thanks chrisity and CT.
I think i would give the gtn a miss, i get enough headaches as it is and tend to be a bit of a girls blouse with them. I will try and find a plank, trouble is, i am so fat now i will probably break it! it sounds like it would work though as i have definitely felt like my leg has not been long enough when i have been kneeling although this got better for about a month and only came back when i did some speedwork 2 or 3 weeks ago. its not as bad this time as before though.
May 2007
1:25pm, 11 May 2007
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GTN is availabgle on the NHS but its use in tendonitis is off licence and is experimental so your Dr may look at you as if you have gone right off
May 2007
1:26pm, 11 May 2007
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But a google search of GTN patch and tendinopathy will give you plenty of reading. As I say though, the work is mainly aroung achilles, and shoulders and some tennis elbow stuff.
May 2007
2:01pm, 11 May 2007
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Moschops passes round the chocolate brownie cakes she's just baked.

Not as nice as last weeks, the 80% dark choc worked better than mile choc.
May 2007
7:37pm, 11 May 2007
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hello there, thought id join in for a quick winge, if i may. I havn't run for six months with a funny toe and i got an NHS referral to orthopeadics in January, chased it up at my GPs yesterday (they finally let me have a contact number for the department) and was told i'd been sent my referral in February, to my old address of 18 months ago. The receptionist told me off for not letting my doctor know my new address despite they've had it since i moved, and ive confirmed this with them several times! So five month wait all in all, about 3 months after when it could have been. grrrrrrr.

Moan over. thanks for listening!

good luck with the recovery everyone! My sympathies with you all!

(any brownies going spare moschops, they sound lurvely)

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