May 2007
8:06am, 18 May 2007
0 posts
Morning - only just noticed the thread although suprised I can manafe to see much through this migraine
Cursed with shin splints at the minute just coming back slowly after 2 full weeks rest - probably a bit early if I'm honest but I can't sit around much longer! Probably gonna end up twice as bad and have me out for months still really sore to touch both legs and the massages are not getting rid of any of the lumps
feel sh8t - head hurts, legs hurt, back hurts had no sleep - think I'm suitable pi55ed off to join?!!
May 2007
9:30am, 18 May 2007
0 posts
Sounds like a full house to me Em
May 2007
10:25am, 18 May 2007
0 posts
Em. sounds like you're an ideal resident for the pissed off corner. Welcome
A strange thing has happened to me this week. Foot really playing up for days after seeing consultant last week. Then at weekend seemed to settle down. Driving a manual car and being on my feet all day didn't seem to set things off in the usual way.
Over the last couple of weeks I've been able to do the odd bit of impact, 30 secs star jumps to a DVD sort of thing. give it a few days rest and can do again.
This week I've managed about 30 mins to a cardio combat DVD. It's not impact all the way through but have managed the warm up and cardio stuff, with star jumps, running on spot and all that. First time it didn't feel bad day after. After doing it yesterday and going on a 1.8 mile walk today can feel it more but it's not burning as much and not so many odd pains. Got annoying pins and needles up my thigh though, feels like someone is running cold water through my veins!!
Wondering if I should try a run at the weekend. I'm in a state of shock even thinking that I can think such a thing LOL Do 1.8 mile round the block mainly walking with say 5 mins walk, 30 secs run and keep repeating. Or the fact that it's more painful 2nd time doing DVD means I should rest it a bit more. It's not the sort of pain that required drugs, more irritating.
5 months of injury and it felt so good to work my heart again
May 2007
10:26am, 18 May 2007
0 posts
Em. sounds like you're an ideal resident for the pissed off corner. Welcome
A strange thing has happened to me this week. Foot really playing up for days after seeing consultant last week. Then at weekend seemed to settle down. Driving a manual car and being on my feet all day didn't seem to set things off in the usual way.
Over the last couple of weeks I've been able to do the odd bit of impact, 30 secs star jumps to a DVD sort of thing. give it a few days rest and can do again.
This week I've managed about 30 mins to a cardio combat DVD. It's not impact all the way through but have managed the warm up and cardio stuff, with star jumps, running on spot and all that. First time it didn't feel bad day after. After doing it yesterday and going on a 1.8 mile walk today can feel it more but it's not burning as much and not so many odd pains. Got annoying pins and needles up my thigh though, feels like someone is running cold water through my veins!!
Wondering if I should try a run at the weekend. I'm in a state of shock even thinking that I can think such a thing LOL Do 1.8 mile round the block mainly walking with say 5 mins walk, 30 secs run and keep repeating. Or the fact that it's more painful 2nd time doing DVD means I should rest it a bit more. It's not the sort of pain that required drugs, more irritating.
5 months of injury and it felt so good to work my heart again
May 2007
10:27am, 18 May 2007
0 posts
Sorry for double post.
Forgot to add my pissed off bit
It's been a week, I'm betting on another 2 weeks to hear from them where I'll be told my appointment will be in a month. They are just hoping I'll go away aren't they
May 2007
2:15pm, 18 May 2007
0 posts
they havent used your address of 18 months back on the referral like they did with me have they mc?.....!
emmilou welcome to the winge-athon!
May 2007
5:25pm, 19 May 2007
0 posts
half an hour or so
May 2007
9:39am, 21 May 2007
0 posts
Good luck.
May 2007
9:40am, 21 May 2007
0 posts
Thanx CL
My knee has taken a downturn after a bad run where I lost my chi form and it took a pounding so off running today and it aches. My Fizz had a cold this weekend so I did not get my usual acupuncture and US and that may have contributed. feck
May 2007
1:15pm, 21 May 2007
0 posts
well done hopefully you can get out of this corner