May 2007
3:02pm, 9 May 2007
0 posts
Well done on the cycling Does DIY count as x-training? If so yes I've done some. Climbing up and down the ladder sets off my foot pain but oh well, gotta be done. Saw a house yesterday 10 mins from the start of the South Downs way, great location. Nice to have that a local run Shame house wasn't that great.
I have to wait for call but usually once in the hospital system it moves fairly quickly round here.
May 2007
9:47am, 10 May 2007
0 posts
Flip flops make my legs ache.
May 2007
7:06pm, 10 May 2007
0 posts
I've lit the fire, which has strangely cheered me up, got to cook something good and veggie healthy for Joe (15) so I'm off back to the kitchen, where I am unashamedly drinking small glasses of red wine (but lots of them ...)
had to message the clubs I belong to, to see if I can "sell" my Plymouth Half place ...
hits home when you have to do that & I was so mad last year cos it was the first time I'd missed it since 1999 ... so I made sure I'd got a place last November!!!!
haven't read the thread ... how are we all?!
come and sit by this lovely open fire and I'll get you a glass of wine ... or ...
May 2007
7:15pm, 10 May 2007
0 posts
and whatever music you're into ... I sent a message to IanM today & mentioned
and he hadn't heard of it
so if you haven't either, just go there and it'll play you ANYTHING
you put in a song or an artist that you like - and it plays you similar stuff
May 2007
7:19pm, 10 May 2007
0 posts
moschops, that sounds like a Ralph Wiggum saying.
may i join this merry band? credentials are impeccable, missed in total 5 of the last 10 years with various injuries, currently arranging for an x-ray (hopefully negative) on my foot obtained whilst walking on a lavada (very flat path by an irrigation channel) in my running shoes.
and i'm good at being p*ssed off.
May 2007
7:27pm, 10 May 2007
0 posts
Hi Christy yeah come in and relax! I'm *fortunate* cos I "only" broke my ankle (nearly 4 wks ago) so am not suffering as much as some others ... I've never broken anything before, wasn't sure I wanted the x-ray, so had to have a print-out! I was very lucky not to damage the foot, all new experience for me (fell off a "heritage" / crumbling curb WALKING)
good luck with the x-ray
May 2007
7:32pm, 10 May 2007
0 posts
Paskha, That site is very cool! Thank you I am back in pi55ed off corner today because I have a tummy bug I did run this morning but regretted it shortly afterwards. It seems that every time I think I am fit to run, something else gets in the way.
May 2007
7:36pm, 10 May 2007
0 posts
thanks paskha, pretty sure it's not a break but possibly a small fracture that hasn't healed properly. the old bones don't heal so quickly nowadays, feels like the sort of thing that would have healed in a couple of days when i played football.
May 2007
7:39pm, 10 May 2007
0 posts
i wonder if we could get a completly injured person between us, a bit like playing beetle.
i can offer a right foot midsole, a strained left shoulder and a badly bitten lip. the last was my silly fault for trying to multitask - chew gum and cycle at the same time
May 2007
7:53pm, 10 May 2007
0 posts
I can offer a torn left calf muscle! My fault entirely for thinking I could set off like a gazelle at the start of a race without doing a proper warm up.