pi55ed off corner like the injured bench but with attitude x x x

31 watchers
May 2007
10:47pm, 6 May 2007
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I wouldn't do run-walk until you can do it without pain - pain is your body telling you that something isn't right!

I'm still injured, but it's gradually inproving and have managed to get back into some sort of regular training routine. Currently I'm doing the arm-bike thing at gym, very gentle cross-trainer, swiming (not breaststroke) and yoga on top of my hip strengthening exercises. I've been told that if I keep recovering at this rate I should be back to run-walk & easy climbing in about a month.

I can feel it gradually getting better, but I'm very aware that I have to be patient with it. OH still goes running & climbing and I really long to head out with him. He's stopped talking about the fantastic routes he's doing because he knows it just winds me up!
May 2007
11:44pm, 6 May 2007
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Not doing run walk yet but yes (Pissed off bit) I will be doing it because my fitness levels are so shit now. Walk run will be all I'm capable of.

Pissed off because I'd worked so hard to get to a good level of fitness before injury. Not so much fast running fitness as that was my secondary sporty hobby but still. All those hours for nothing. Back to where I started 2 years ago.

Ho hum.

Neems22 I'm a bit confused about it all. My fiz said when certain pains for me go, can start gentle run - walk but that will cause everything to flare up. Therefore it needs to be monitored, massaged and zapped. Find it hard to tell what are those pains that tell me to STOP and those that say a bit of ice and further fizz are needed.

MC also trying to introduce some regular training :)
May 2007
10:37pm, 7 May 2007
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Good luck :)
May 2007
10:14am, 8 May 2007
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you will be back up and running soon (you may need two injections though to get it all)
May 2007
10:30am, 8 May 2007
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Good luck CL - let us know how it goes.

I have fizz today, ready to have a moan and suggest a scan of some sort. I really felt it this weekend and all I was doing was lying around, it seems to be getting worse. Perhaps no exercise isn't good for it either??

MC - that's a good x-train routine you've got going there! How long have you been injured? Is the injury in your hip??

Moschops - I feel I've lost loads of fitness, I was training for the Reading half when I got injured and felt like I'd made loads of progress :-( What is your injury?
May 2007
10:38am, 8 May 2007
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Knee bad as I am still trying to plod on it I may have to bite the bullet and resign myself to a 6 month rest
May 2007
10:41am, 8 May 2007
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6 month rest CT? :-(

In the back of my mind I think that would be a good idea myself but I can't quite bring myself to do it.
May 2007
10:59am, 8 May 2007
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Not sure Neems.

First doc I saw thought it was a stress fracture. I also had loads of wierd foot sensations, buring, pins and needles, throbbing. Got pissed off with NHS and saw a fizz (3 months after) said what she could feel left of initial injury was soft tissue damage on shin, over foot and the band around ankle. Finally seeing hospital tomorrow, it's only been 4 months LOL

Oh no CT :(

CL I've joined the OAP's before. I was pregnant and the regular aqua aerobics I went to was getting too tough. Have to say they were a more fun bunch :) in our classes we used the water version of dumbells, floats rather than weights. So upper body you could do without of choose appropriate size. It's surprisingly hard work trying to move them under the water. If you're going to go reguarly and they're not using any aids like that may be worth asking the instructor about them and what you could buy.

I'm not going to drink any wine this week. Been a BAD moschops and have let weekday wine slip in. Usually the thought of having to run or MA class next day was enough to put me off. Oh and having no long run at the weekends means another free drinking night LOL
May 2007
11:21am, 9 May 2007
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Same here the house got into a bit of a state. It's only because we're putting the house on the market that I've got off my (now huge ;)) arse.

I'm not so pissed off today :) Just got back from the hospital and the consultant was really nice and helpful. Finally I'm getting an MRI scan! His main guess at the moment is nerve problem, that could've been caused by a stress fracture, shin splints, or trauma. It was quite weird he tapped a section of my shin a few times and could feel the sensations starting more over my foot and toes. Hurts quite a bit now all the way down from that point.

If it is it may go away in the time scale of how long is a piece of string. Or they'll see if I need surgery.

At the same time or if they don't find anything he's going to get me scanned for a neuroma. He was saying he had someone a while back with similar symtons, they couldn't find anything, she went away and rested. Started running again on and off but year later was back at the clinic. That time they found a neuroma.

It's be nice to have a better clue so it'll give me some idea of how to recover. He thinks it could've all started where I got kicked in the shin and very top of foot way back in December. The blows were really painful at the time but didn't leave any pain, bit bruised day after but hardly anything.
May 2007
12:55pm, 9 May 2007
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Hi everyone!

CL - I know what you mean about wasting money on races! I wondered if this was a shallow thing to think but I'll most likely be pulling out of my 3rd race in a couple of weeks - losing about £50 this year so far! Grrrr

So, jabbing and stabbing your hip eh?! The things we do for our running!

Fizz appointment was good - had a right moan. I've been told that it may be beneficial to get an MRI scan too - apparently they suspect a labral tear (whatever that is) but can't say for sure unless I have a scan.

I also had some soft tissue massage which there are no words for - OWWWW!

AND they gave me a heel lift for my trainer as I have one leg longer than the other - haha, I'm painting a pretty picture here aren't I?!

Good news Moschops about the scan! Do you know when it will be?

Any x-training from anybody? I did some cycling last night at the gym - at least it gives me the chance to read at the same time! :-)

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