Oct 2016
5:08am, 17 Oct 2016
59,041 posts
CW - Also scanned as tail runner
Saint - I remember that
Oct 2016
7:28am, 17 Oct 2016
1,230 posts
I know a few people who won't get scanned if they've got a bad time (escorting a junior or tail running). They take a finish token and drop it off with the scanner without being scanned. Apparently they don't want it to affect their RunBritain handicaps
Oct 2016
7:41am, 17 Oct 2016
404 posts
Taking a token and not getting it scanned hurts nobody (you just appear as Unknown, which is everybody's right). I've heard of one event where the RD told (tells?) people without barcodes not to cross the finish line at all, which is wrong to me as it artificially decreases the overall participation stats.
Of course, funnel duckers should be vigorously re-educated with sharp things.
Oct 2016
10:42am, 17 Oct 2016
3,926 posts
You also get those who have completed their run, taken a token, then gone back out to join support someone else round their last bit, who quite rightly on the second time run past the funnel rather than through it.
Oct 2016
11:10am, 17 Oct 2016
59,045 posts
Wr - we like supporters especially when they DON'T RUN THROUGH A 2ND TIME
Oct 2016
11:20am, 17 Oct 2016
405 posts
Hopefully "peeling off" as soon as possible or stopping short in such a way that it's obvious to the timekeepers what they're doing.
Oct 2016
11:21am, 17 Oct 2016
384 posts
Tried St Albans while visiting family. Narrow path around a lake 3 times and big numbers, so potential for a lot of lapping and congestion.
Luckily, they are good enough to clearly tell runners at the start, a couple of times, to all keep left, remind them to keep left, have signs asking them to keep left, have marshals shouting at everyone to keep left when being passed...you can see where this is going
Oct 2016
11:23am, 17 Oct 2016
385 posts
People stopping short or peeling off is no issue for me - I tell the timekeepers to focus only on those who cross the line. Keep it simple. If some runners, for whatever reason, and it has happened, decides to `finish' off to the side and then tries to take a chip, I send them back to cross the line.
Oct 2016
1:07pm, 17 Oct 2016
406 posts
I did a bit of voluntourism at Long Eaton the parkrunday before last, and was sent to marshal by the bridge which is the only two-way section on the course.
"Keep left please guys thank you keeping left for me on the bridge please great job keep left both sides thank you keep left as you cross the bridge please great running guys keep left now please you're doing great keep left now on the bridge please that's it keep left please well done keeping left now please as you cross thank you guys great running WATCH OUT FOR THE BIKE keep left please both sides thank you good running guys keep left here on the bridge please thank you well done keep left both sides please!"
I had fun.
Oct 2016
1:10pm, 17 Oct 2016
4,177 posts
"WATCH OUT FOR THE BIKE" Lol! Flippin' cyclists!