Over 50's club

1 lurker | 324 watchers
May 2020
10:19am, 24 May 2020
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I remember exactly when Live Aid was, and what I was doing.
I had a weekend off on-call work and in the morning, I had caught my foot and thought I had perhaps strained a ligament. By early afternoon, whilst watching Live Aid, the foot was aching a bit, so I went to A+E and it was discovered I had fractured a metatarsal bone!

I didn't get home until about 7pm, so I ended up missing most of Live Aid!
May 2020
11:48am, 24 May 2020
42,157 posts
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Derby Tup
I didn’t think metatarsals had been invented then!
May 2020
1:05pm, 24 May 2020
1,706 posts
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I've had mine all my life ;-)
May 2020
2:18pm, 24 May 2020
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57.5 Degrees of Pain
I can assure you that the skeletons hanging around the anatomy department in 1982/3 definitely had metatarsals DT. I didn't get that far down the body in dissection class though. Once the dentists had chopped up the top half the rest went off to the medical students.🦵🔪😉
May 2020
2:51pm, 24 May 2020
11,600 posts
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Presumably theyve been there since we came down from the trees. Although they were probably called something like "ugugug" then.
May 2020
4:02pm, 24 May 2020
19,304 posts
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I was living in Germany with a toddler and a baby in 1985.
May 2020
4:19pm, 24 May 2020
49,018 posts
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I trust they were taking good care of you.
May 2020
8:12pm, 24 May 2020
50,134 posts
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Footballers certainly didn't have metatarsals until at least the 1990s. Can you imagine Norman Hunter or Jack Charlton whining off with a fractured metatarsal?
May 2020
10:05pm, 24 May 2020
19,790 posts
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I had metatarsals in the '90s. I know, because I had them operated on. 1st metatarsal osteotomy. Both feet.
May 2020
9:08am, 25 May 2020
49,027 posts
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In the old days they were known just as the foot bone. This is an extract from an early edition of Gray’s Anatomy:

“The toe bone is connected to the foot bone, the foot bone is connected to the ankle bone...”

I don’t think they knew about tendons and ligaments back then, either.


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