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Over 50's club

1 lurker | 326 watchers
May 2020
7:39pm, 22 May 2020
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Lip Gloss
Another who never went on any fancy holidays or any really - mum on her own with 4 kids. I do remember we went to a caravan and because we were on a bus for ages and ages I thought we were miles away- seems it was only 32 miles away in Peterhead lol but hey I knew no difference so never bothered me. I guess that's why I can take or leave any kind of holiday. I quite like long weekends away or even an overnight stay in a hotel.
May 2020
7:56pm, 22 May 2020
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Our Morris Oxford's windscreen wiper motor packed up about 10 miles into the journey from South Wales to the Costa Brava. It was (then) something like the wettest August on record throughout the UK and France. After we arrived at Calella my dad, who knew no Spanish whatsoever, drove with us all in the back to a garage somewhere in Barcelona and got a new part which he fitted himself. I reckon that counts as Extreme Car Maintenance :-)
May 2020
7:58pm, 22 May 2020
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I remember having my 12th birthday on our first ever proper family holiday when all 5 of us went to Butlins in Minehead. I can remember that we went on a Royal Blue coach from the old bus station in the town centre.
We didn't have the money to go away but we didn't care as we just loved spending the summer holidays going down the beach most days.
From about the age of 14 to 18 we used to go to Guernsey quite a bit and I remember going on the boat train to Weymouth with the man walking in front of the train waving his red flag as we went through the streets to the harbour.
May 2020
8:03pm, 22 May 2020
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You've just reminded me LD, when I was about 14/15 Mum, Dad, my brother and I went to Calella for a fortnight in September where we stayed in a big hotel. I remember that I didn't like the food much. We went all the way by train as we didn't have a car.
May 2020
8:10pm, 22 May 2020
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Our holiday destinations in no particular order were Hayling Island (caravan) Ramsgate & a farm near Aberwythswyth (not sure on the correct spelling)
May 2020
9:03pm, 22 May 2020
36,859 posts
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Oh yes. The annual car breakdown saga.

And one year my sister gashed her leg to the bone and then got rubella.
May 2020
9:09pm, 22 May 2020
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57.5 Degrees of Pain
I loved my trip to Guernsey in my late teens alpenrose. Watched the start of Live Aid on the ferry and listened to the later parts in the campsite drinking whisky and Drambuie. We went to find a payphone to pledge our money, couldn't get through, got lost, got a ride from a couple of local guys and partied with them until about 6am. Rest of the 2 weeks was fun too, and I'll be on a Skype 'vitual pub night' with five guys from that trip shortly!

You went from Southampton to Dingwall um? I wouldn't bother going there from Inverness!
May 2020
9:22pm, 22 May 2020
34,571 posts
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Our family didn't fit in the family car. Half the family had to cycle to our holidays... 30miles away, camping
May 2020
9:23pm, 22 May 2020
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I lived the holidays though and take my kids to the same spot. They love it too
May 2020
9:31pm, 22 May 2020
19,782 posts
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RRR - the spelling (in case you actually want to know) is Aberystwyth.

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