I was really looking forward to turning 50 (& joining the club!) - it gave my running a new lease of life earlier on this year and I did more races in the first 6 months of the year than I'd done in the previous 3 years combined. However after the last event I did back in July I've only run (uncomfortably!) a couple of times - the last time on my 50th just over 2 weeks ago (probably not a sensible decision but I wanted to run on my birthday!!)
Beginning to feel my age - on holiday in Oz ... - most tourist places start by asking 'if I want the senior rate' (which I happily take, as I never object to a cheaper price) - more than 1 person has offered me their seat on a bus (to which I feel like responding ending in 'koff', but need to be a little more polite)
I guess I'm officially old - or worse, looking it ! (even older than the pooh sticks, old age home invites in UK, funeral plan mails etc etc)
Nil Desperandum JB, hopefully you have many more years to come. I hadn't even thought about running when I was 50 years old but made up for lost time when eventually starting at 54. Only once did I run on my actual birthday, the Great East Anglia Run (10K) when I reached the grand old age of 75. I was in the mountains of La Palma for my 80th but ran the Ilkley Trail Run as soon as I got home. As I said - nil desperandum, Make it happen...
Thank you. I shouldn't complain as it's the first "injury" I've had since I took up this running lark back in 2008. I'm kicking myself for not making arrangements to see my GP/a specialist sooner - I had hoped that rest, icing etc would do the trick, but deep down I knew something wasn't right (& still isn't)
Hi V'rap. Just around/above my right ankle - started a few days after a hilly 10k (the last 2 miles contained 1000ft of descending) - no swelling or tenderness, just discomfort IF I tried to run on it (walking ok). Saw physio a couple of times, but despite rest, icing, ibuprofen etc it didn't appear to get better - when it would feel fine an impromptu run to cross the road would tell me something wasn't right. 2 months on, have seen GP who referred me to orthopaedic consultant - just waiting to see him again after an mri scan
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