May 2011
4:06pm, 25 May 2011
42,108 posts
I guess unlike other sports I hate swimming so much I don't much care about the accuracy.
May 2011
3:28pm, 26 May 2011
858 posts
Just Matt
Supposed to be my first OW swim tonight and Im bricking it. Don't want to panic and I don't want to drown.
Maybe I'll give it a miss and do another pool session
May 2011
3:31pm, 26 May 2011
681 posts
Durham Dawdler
Matt, go along. if you don't now, you never will.
You won't drown, wetsuits make you bouyant, if you feel like you're going to panic, concentrate on something else such as the way your arm enters the water, making sure you're pressing down on your chest etc.
Most of all, go and enjoy yourself!
If I can do it, anyone can
May 2011
3:40pm, 26 May 2011
6,978 posts
Nick Cook
Yes Matt, and don't just get in the water and start swimming. Get warmed up, stretch and deep breathe before getting in the water. Once in the water just bob around a bit getting used to it, then open up the neck of the wetsuit and let a bit of water in, let that warm up. Then breathe deeeply again with face in and out of the water (breathe in with face out of water). Then away you go - simples!!!
May 2011
3:46pm, 26 May 2011
13,607 posts
why let a bit of water in Nick??
May 2011
3:48pm, 26 May 2011
682 posts
Durham Dawdler
keeps you warm macca
May 2011
3:49pm, 26 May 2011
683 posts
Durham Dawdler
ands dilutes everything when you pee in your wetsuit
May 2011
3:50pm, 26 May 2011
13,608 posts
so people really arent kidding when they tell me to pee in it as well?? eeeeew:-o
May 2011
3:50pm, 26 May 2011
684 posts
Durham Dawdler
not at all, it makes you all nice and warm
May 2011
3:51pm, 26 May 2011
6,979 posts
Nick Cook
I don't do that!!!