Aug 2007
9:18pm, 14 Aug 2007
25 posts
Oh and welcome Buff, keep up with all the great info!!!
Aug 2007
9:25pm, 14 Aug 2007
9 posts
Hi NZC. Right out of the box, I must tell you how much my wife and I LOVE the new HBO show "Flight of the Conchords" (about the two New Zealander singers trying to survive and prosper in Brooklyn). There are not too many shows that cause me to launch diet Coke across the room laughing....this one does...several times per episode.
And secondly, yes Boston is like a Siren...lures you in and smashes you on the rocks....without mercy...fortunatley I have re-qualified and get to tangle with her again next year. THis year was a mess, with rain and wind. I lost a lot of sleep hearing forecasts ranging from "lots of rain and wind" to "better start packing for the afterlife"
As for your travel options...East coast in November...hmmm. Anything north of New York might be a bit colder and the odd chance of early snow, but Boston is nice to see as is the coast of Maine. I live in Philadelphia, so I must put in a plug for that. Lots of historical stuff about breaking away from our Colonial Overlords (oops..sorry, forgot which board I was on)....
But of beyond those two places, I think a visit to Washington, DC is worth considering. The Smithsonian is an amazing place to see art, science and culture.
BTW, any of these destinations can be done reasonably by plane or train or rental car.
Do you have any particular interests that could help narrow the choices down?
Aug 2007
9:52pm, 14 Aug 2007
544 posts
Thanks for that Buff. I'm travelling with my husband and meeting up with our son in New York, so guess we'll be pulled 3 ways. I always wanted to go to Maine as I used to read of some of the wonderful runs Joanie Benoit used to do there - thought it sounded a beautiful place. I'm sure we'll hire a car and cruise around. I love history, not much of an art or science person. We thought Cape Cod - we love seafood - well our son doesn't! Not sure that it would be the right season though. We will spend some time in Boston again, I'm sure, as we have some old running friends there. Haven't seen "Flight of the Conchords" but can imagine that they would be trying to live on "the smell of an oily rag".
Aug 2007
10:33pm, 14 Aug 2007
614 posts
Just to say Hi to the Fetch New York crew! I'll be there too for my first NY (but not that first mara), looking forward to the race and to the post race ... he he he! Not looking forward to the flights! Training is going well for the moment (doing helsinki marathon next saturday, so on a different schedule).
Let keep on getting excited!
Aug 2007
10:54pm, 14 Aug 2007
10 posts
Just curious, what training plans are you all using? I'm doing the Pfitzinger/Douglass "Advanced Marathoning" 12-week 55 mile per week maximum. I'll be running the Steamtown Marathon on 7 October as a long run, as well as a couple of half-marathons as tune-up races (Rock and Roll half in Virginia Beach - my birthplace, and the Philadelphia Distance Run Half Marathon).
For anyone in flat terraine, do your best to get some hill work in. New York is a deceptively tricky course when it comes to hills (mainly the bridges, but also some undulations along First Ave and in Central Park toward the end).
Aug 2007
11:55pm, 14 Aug 2007
6 posts
run free
Have been feeling real lazy....but reading this thread makes me want to run!.....I'll see you all in NYC - am gonna stick at the back of the pack and have tourist run!!!
Aug 2007
11:59pm, 14 Aug 2007
7 posts
run free
By the way has anyone taken red bull during a long race.....especially in the last 5 miles?
Aug 2007
7:43am, 15 Aug 2007
617 posts
never tried that ... red bull and proper running doesn't seem to be 2 things that go together in my opinion.
Buff, as far as training plans, I follow my own, but i might try to follow a more professional one for the last 2 months of my training.
Aug 2007
8:26am, 15 Aug 2007
1,293 posts
I am also following my own training plan, but it is based around the Pfitzinger/Douglas schedule from the "Road Racing for Serious Runners" book. Will peak about 100 miles a week in September.
Re Red Bull, I am not sure that it would give much benefit during a marathon as it is carbohydrates and salts that the body needs and I am not sure Red Bull would provide them.
Aug 2007
8:38am, 15 Aug 2007
236 posts
paul a
During the New Forest Marathon some guy popped a can of red bull ahead of me after about 20 miles, needless to say it was so shaken up he ended up wearing most of it and then shortly after he was seen throwing up into the hedgerow. I could barely run for laughing.