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New Garmin Fenix 3 and Epix

22 watchers
Jan 2017
1:11pm, 13 Jan 2017
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thank you - I was!
Jan 2017
2:18pm, 13 Jan 2017
335 posts
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I have the 3HR and love it, not played too much yet, but heart rate seems so much better than my 225. The elevate HR protrudes so sticks down in your arm instead of just trying to block light around it.

I'll try adding a new route for my run this weekend and see how it works, never played with navigation too much, but I like it. Seems I'm not missing out too much on the 5..
Jan 2017
2:39pm, 13 Jan 2017
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One Pace Carl
I have the Fenix 3- I had the 225 prior to this and love the Fenix 3.
I have a duathlon in Feb and wonder if I could use it to record my run /cycle / run without having to stop it at each event, then re-start it again ?
I see there is a triathlon function on it.
(I haven't played round with it too much to be honest.)
Any hep appreciated. :-)
Jan 2017
3:09pm, 13 Jan 2017
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OPC - yes you can. IIRC it can also record transitions too.

Settings - Apps - Add New and then select to great a new app based on Multispot. Duathlon is one of the preconfigured ones, but if it doesn't work for you there's also a Custom option.

Then once it exists you can go and configure the same as you can for any of the standard apps (why can't they call then activities rather than apps?!).
Jan 2017
3:10pm, 13 Jan 2017
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* great = create !
Jan 2017
7:06pm, 13 Jan 2017
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One Pace Carl
Cheers Flanker, I will let you know how I get on. 😀
Jan 2017
9:21am, 17 Jan 2017
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So, I've been trying to decide on whether or not to spend my hard earned on a Fenix 3 HR or 735XT.

But as I got caught out buying my current 225 two days before the 235 was announced I thought I'd check out the latest garmin news.

Oh my:



Now, whilst it is a lot of money, damn that 5x looks nice...... Decisions, decisions....

I predominantly run, I want to cycle more and I love to get off the beaten track when I can. But do I need to spend £630!
Jan 2017
10:28am, 17 Jan 2017
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No. I think the 5X is only a slight upgrade on the 3HR, and the 3HR is far cheaper (and likely to drop further now the 5 has been released).

I've bought the 3 & 3HR pretty much as soon as they came out, but not at all tempted by the 5X. The only real new feature is the Topo mapping and I don't think on a screen that size it'll be a killer feature - if I'm somewhere I need maps I'll either have a paper one or mobile maps on a phone available (or probably both!). Proper 1:25k OS maps.
Jan 2017
10:33am, 17 Jan 2017
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Useful insight flanker. I'm trying my best not to be drawn by the allure of a new shiny piece of tech. I don't need the mapping (but would use it) as I am competent with a map and compass.

I think the best thing about this product announcement is as you say, the inevitable reduction cost of the fenix 3. I suppose this will ultimately be the factor that helps me decide between the F3 HR or 735xt.
Jan 2017
12:27pm, 17 Jan 2017
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You don't need to spend £630 for a 5-series, though; probably worth considering the 5 (with no X), as the price for that is £500, much closer to that of the 3HR.

If I already had a 3HR I wouldn't be interested, but I don't and I am.

Flanker, how have you found the HR bit of the 3HR?

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Maintained by Badger
Fenix 3 - mix of the old Fenix and the 920xt:
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