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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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New Fetch Game: Hide and Seek

1 lurker | 140 watchers
May 2020
12:27pm, 2 May 2020
3,670 posts
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Found 3 this morning which may or may not have been in the top right areas as thats where i went on the bike today.
May 2020
12:28pm, 2 May 2020
48,140 posts
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Damn! Sam just found me too. We’re we hiding together, Rae?
May 2020
12:34pm, 2 May 2020
332 posts
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Daddy Shark
Well done kstuart! You found me. How are the poppies in Olympic park looking today?
May 2020
12:36pm, 2 May 2020
299 posts
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I was only thinking a ranking month to month rather than over a year. Right now I don't know easily who is putting in an epic shift and hoovering up the hiders and who has evaded capture? It means people get out and try to find people. I know people will be found through chance and just the natural uploading. Thinking out loud.
May 2020
12:38pm, 2 May 2020
1,671 posts
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Bugger - found while I was out

On the upside - I found somebody else while I was there so guess I call that even for the day
May 2020
12:38pm, 2 May 2020
300 posts
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Couple of people near the top but Mr Fetch 'the original seeker' in the lead?
May 2020
12:42pm, 2 May 2020
11,391 posts
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I can't believe I haven't been found yet! Getting close though. :)
May 2020
12:50pm, 2 May 2020
304 posts
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Love the little single squares in the middle of the grey!
May 2020
1:01pm, 2 May 2020
2,525 posts
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Elsie Too
I can’t believe I’m still hidden, lasted to the second half. I’m sure it won’t be much longer though.
May 2020
1:02pm, 2 May 2020
4,777 posts
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Filled in a few blanks on the grid but didn't find anyone :(

About This Thread

Maintained by fetcheveryone
Here's the barebones of the new game:


How it works
The game generates a big three mile square with you at the centre. The square is cut into a grid of 1600 smaller squares.

During any given, unlock as many squares from your grid as possible (C19 permitting) by visiting them during your training. These are the places where you can 'hide'. Before the month is up, you must choose one of these squares as your hiding place.

When the first game kicks off (1st of the month), a lone seeker must start finding people, by visiting the squares. When someone is found, they become a seeker too. The seekers can then collaborate to flush out the hiders, and a growing army of seekers hunt down the final hiders.

The last person to be found will become the seeker for the following month.

I am still building the game. Keep following this thread for updates as I make them.
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