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New Fetch Game: Hide and Seek

140 watchers
May 2020
11:44am, 2 May 2020
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Fizz :-)
Maybe some kind of proportional thing? The more seekers then the more the square has to be run through? Otherwise the poor first seeker might never find anyone.
May 2020
11:45am, 2 May 2020
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Fizz :-)
Or just keep it super simple and the games just last an indeterminate amount of time, short or long. With one day’s notice before the new game, just in case you haven’t hidden yet.
May 2020
11:48am, 2 May 2020
12,407 posts
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It's probably relatively easy to tip the balance between hiders and seekers to make the game last longer. A 60x60 grid, rather than 40x40 gives 3600 vs 1600 squares, so more than double the number of places to hide. The squares could be bigger (or smaller) too. I don't remember seekers being allowed to ride round on their bikes when I was a kid either ;-)
May 2020
11:49am, 2 May 2020
46,323 posts
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The first seeker wouldn't find anything on their first outing, they'd just soften some squares up for the kill and maybe all the people who ran through the square could be acknowledged once the 3rd/whatever person had gone through and the hider was "found".
May 2020
11:53am, 2 May 2020
46,324 posts
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More squares (and a wider area, meaning more people might place their home point well off-centre) would help too :)
May 2020
11:58am, 2 May 2020
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I've been goosed by a sprout! :-O
May 2020
12:01pm, 2 May 2020
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Fizz :-)
But running through the squares only counts after you’ve been found. I think? So the seeker would have to do the same route three times before getting anyone. Slightly wider area (but not too much, please) with slightly smaller squares is the easy option. I like the game though, thanks Fetch :-)
May 2020
12:18pm, 2 May 2020
4,967 posts
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Well, Sam's run, so once that uploads I'll be a seeker...
May 2020
12:25pm, 2 May 2020
17,857 posts
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Angus Clydesdale
Still snug in my ditch.
May 2020
12:26pm, 2 May 2020
48,139 posts
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Seems to be working well as it is to me

About This Thread

Maintained by fetcheveryone
Here's the barebones of the new game:


How it works
The game generates a big three mile square with you at the centre. The square is cut into a grid of 1600 smaller squares.

During any given, unlock as many squares from your grid as possible (C19 permitting) by visiting them during your training. These are the places where you can 'hide'. Before the month is up, you must choose one of these squares as your hiding place.

When the first game kicks off (1st of the month), a lone seeker must start finding people, by visiting the squares. When someone is found, they become a seeker too. The seekers can then collaborate to flush out the hiders, and a growing army of seekers hunt down the final hiders.

The last person to be found will become the seeker for the following month.

I am still building the game. Keep following this thread for updates as I make them.
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