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Mundane thread

14 lurkers | 164 watchers
May 2020
2:48pm, 31 May 2020
31,253 posts
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I gave the starter 75g of water and flour because that’s what the Hobbs bakery video told me to do.

I also bathed, dried, brushed and clipped the dog. Couldn’t have done it without QP and a bag of treats. If I had paid someone to do it I would be disappointed but I’m actually really chuffed with my handiwork. Only a couple of bits that I’d like to sort out with some scissors.
May 2020
2:53pm, 31 May 2020
46,832 posts
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Tried to weed the garden. The soil is so dry and hard that nothing is moving.
May 2020
2:53pm, 31 May 2020
44,528 posts
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I mowed the lawns - or rather took the tops off the bits of thatch and weeds out there - then squirted the hose around a bit. I aimed it at the car as there is so much dust/pollen on it. It looks a lot cleaner now, without actually cleaning it. :) I think I might take my bike out for a little spin in the wind.
May 2020
2:58pm, 31 May 2020
37,312 posts
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My car's a disgrace, too.

Watching NASA live feed. Did the washing up. Drinking Diet Coke. Still have parkrun admin to do. Need to menu plan and call my Mum. Think I'll probably just read instead.
May 2020
3:07pm, 31 May 2020
8,400 posts
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Trying to stay awake.
May 2020
3:09pm, 31 May 2020
31,257 posts
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I should go pull the weeds on the driveway area. QP started on Friday but lost interest.
May 2020
3:13pm, 31 May 2020
49,288 posts
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May 2020
4:25pm, 31 May 2020
40,857 posts
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Lip Gloss
I was going to don my white shorts and t-shirt and take myself down to the beach today to run a 5k in lieu of today's race but then thought no the beach will be hoaching so having a latte and then redo my nails while sitting in the peace of my lovely back garden.

I will go for a walk later when it's cooler.
May 2020
4:26pm, 31 May 2020
64,280 posts
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^ The smart choice, LG :)
May 2020
4:28pm, 31 May 2020
30,310 posts
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I have done All The Ironing. I have even put quite a lot of it away, but ran out of coat hangers (how??) so some is still on my bed :-( so I can only award myself 9/10 for effort.

In bee news, they have clearly settled in well to their new home and the beekeeping friend sent me a cheery article this morning which said that the only way to get bees alive out of a hole in a tree, is to chop down the tree. That is not going to happen, so we have a buzzing tree for the next few months. (She did also send me the phone number of the local beekeeper's association pest controller, who would come and kill them, but unless they turn nasty that isn't going to happen either.)

About This Thread

Maintained by Johnny Blaze
I have replaced the batteries in the TV remote.

The old ones were flat, so it wasn't working.
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