May 2020
1:13pm, 28 May 2020
44,480 posts
What is normal?
My dishwasher had a hissy fit and left that scummy film over everything the other day si I've been cleaning the cutlery with white vinegar. It seems to have done the trick.
May 2020
1:16pm, 28 May 2020
38,047 posts
I remember lots of my dreams.
Last week I was cross and grid opened the top of our stable type door, I wanted to talk to the delivery driver who was telling us we had to accept the delivery of a much much too small bike. I kicked the bottom bit of the door to open it and then I woke up. The reason I woke is because I actually kicked grid while dreaming I was kicking the door. We also don't have stable doors, nor would I kick a door to speak to a delivery driver.
May 2020
1:28pm, 28 May 2020
31,215 posts
I have no doubt that I am in fact weird.
I’ve been for a run. 3.24 miles with a couple of walk breaks due to ITB and dog related shenanigans. Lunch was amazing (or I was really hungry and lunch was average).
May 2020
1:43pm, 28 May 2020
42,328 posts
Derby Tup
Picked at the remains of a cooked chicken for lunch
May 2020
2:03pm, 28 May 2020
8,359 posts
The psychologists are always the real weirdos
May 2020
2:26pm, 28 May 2020
49,163 posts
Cheese and tomato sandwich
May 2020
2:40pm, 28 May 2020
37,140 posts
Fruit and nut
May 2020
2:43pm, 28 May 2020
45,507 posts
Walnut bread
May 2020
2:44pm, 28 May 2020
46,776 posts
Tuna and pasta splodge. VP made the pasta splodge and I retroactively added the tuna.
May 2020
2:45pm, 28 May 2020
50,080 posts
Dr PhFleecyD
Oi leagufreak, maybe just the clinical ones!