May 2020
9:24am, 28 May 2020
42,307 posts
Derby Tup
Washing on
May 2020
9:30am, 28 May 2020
49,137 posts
2nd cup of tea
May 2020
9:31am, 28 May 2020
50,073 posts
Dr PhFleecyD
Second elattez incoming. Seem to have permanent allergies despite lots of drugs but it’s too hot not to have the windows and doors open. Hard to sleep when you wake up unable to breathe
May 2020
9:32am, 28 May 2020
23,165 posts
Lizzie W
Off to the hills.
May 2020
9:32am, 28 May 2020
11,331 posts
Need more tea before first conference call of the day.
May 2020
9:35am, 28 May 2020
16,248 posts
Was awake beterrn 2.30 and 5.30, wish I'd got up and gone for a run rather than finally fall asleep for an hour. Feel really groggy now, even walking Ralph hasn't helped.
Is it just me having the weirdest, nonsensical, dreams ever at the moment?
May 2020
9:37am, 28 May 2020
44,914 posts
I had a few odd dreams but I find when I do sleep i don’t remember my dreams and it’s good sleeping.
May 2020
9:38am, 28 May 2020
50,076 posts
Dr PhFleecyD
I was just listening to a podcast about dreams. You’re more likely to remember them if you wake up early or have broken sleep
May 2020
9:39am, 28 May 2020
46,769 posts
Not just you, Rosehip. I was quite pleased to wake from my final sleep cycle because it was a bit unpleasant. I know where most of it came from, apart from how the psychiatrist I worked for in 1990 got in there.
May 2020
9:40am, 28 May 2020
44,917 posts
I woke up at 5.30 felt great.