May 2020
1:43pm, 2 May 2020
19,646 posts
Finally sitting in the greenhouse. Been on the gi since I got up! For once 40°C. Tweety birds are tweeting. I miss there being only about one car a minute passing though.
May 2020
1:44pm, 2 May 2020
35,939 posts
May 2020
1:45pm, 2 May 2020
40,967 posts
Derby Tup
Settee with vizsla. Tired
May 2020
1:53pm, 2 May 2020
35,941 posts
Leftover nachos
May 2020
1:54pm, 2 May 2020
3,179 posts
*finally realises that Dvorak meant go not gin *
May 2020
1:56pm, 2 May 2020
39,997 posts
Lip Gloss
Gin definitely seemed the better option Made scrambled eggs for lunch with some cherry tomatoes
May 2020
1:56pm, 2 May 2020
39,998 posts
Lip Gloss
And eggs obviously
May 2020
2:08pm, 2 May 2020
19,648 posts
Not the yet I did bottle some home-made cider, but didn't sample as I'm intending a fakeparkrun later.
(I did sample in the sun last Saturday and fakeparkie never happened until Tuesday )
May 2020
2:15pm, 2 May 2020
30,891 posts
A bit of a nothing kind of day. Online pottering. I’ve been on the alpkit website and spent money. Walk to next village for prescription. I’ve been watching After Life. I’ve avoided it because I’m not a huge fan of RG but it’s lovely actually.
May 2020
2:17pm, 2 May 2020
35,947 posts
Cheese and pickled onion sandwich. Real comfort food