Morning Light: The Fetchland Gardening Wire

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Apr 2020
10:58am, 9 Apr 2020
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Chard likes it here too, as do all sorts of alliums: ornamental as well as edible: I always leave a few to set seed and they are self perpetuating. If you don't mind having your leeks in random places all over the garden, I would recommend it! Much easier than sowing in a row I find! :)

I am totally excited about my seeds and can't wait. Was just contacted by yet another client unable to get vegetable seeds. I have just harvested all the pips out of last year's last butternut squash I consumed. I am going to plant them all! And sell the plantlets on to my clients... I will be doing the same with all my remaining lettuce seeds! and so forth...

As usual, I am having difficulties growing cucmbers. I start off with a packet of 6 seeds. They all germinate strongly in a heated propagator. Then I pot them on into 9 cm pots and they look strong. Then one by one they seem to die, wither away quietly. They are not too dry or to wet. I am now left with one seedling out of six for my client. Same happened last year. He wants two cucumber plants! I planted 5 for myself, only two have germinated and are more or less ready to be potted up. I hope to God they both survive, so I can give my client one... I only need one plant.
Apr 2020
11:32am, 9 Apr 2020
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I've had that with cucumbers in the past but last year I planted a different variety; the one with short fruits and they seemed ok and this year's seedling are doing ok so far.
Apr 2020
1:25pm, 9 Apr 2020
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Fragile Do Not Bend
I’ve read it’s not a good idea to use squash seeds from a fruit as you don’t know what variety it crossed with and the resulting fruits can be nasty (and in rare cases make you ill).
Apr 2020
1:59pm, 9 Apr 2020
12,394 posts
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I have various sprouting plants in my germinators...I'm going to be challenged to remember what I planted!!
Apr 2020
3:40pm, 9 Apr 2020
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remember I was trying to germinate parsnip on wet kitchen roll?
Well, I forgot to check them for a couple of days.

They've suddenly all germinated and some have rootlets over an inch long - they're all curly trying to get away from the light!

Have put some in pots, well actually loo roll cardboard cores, and left them indoors. The rest I have torn up the paper around them and plonked them seed-side down in a couple of short rows. - will see what happens!
Apr 2020
5:01pm, 9 Apr 2020
12,397 posts
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Wow that's progress RH! My stepsister in law posted a photo using cardboard egg cartons for planting seeds...
Apr 2020
5:12pm, 9 Apr 2020
46,019 posts
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We've got some hefty cardboard tubes from inside rolls of carpet. I'm going to ask eL Bee! to saw them into short lengths to form biodegradable flower pots for when I have some plants to put in them.
Apr 2020
5:16pm, 9 Apr 2020
15,601 posts
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I forgot there's one of those in the garage - cut into different lengths and all stood up together would make a nice display, probably last a while before they started to collapse, it's pretty dense cardboard.
Thanks for the idea :)
Apr 2020
5:45pm, 9 Apr 2020
197 posts
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I'm trying cucumbers for the first time, I've sown two, will see if anything happens and perhaps try a couple more in a few weeks...
Apr 2020
5:51pm, 9 Apr 2020
15,608 posts
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I do hope my cucumber seedlings, which seem to be doing really well, are cucumbers and not courgettes as the order I put in for more seeds of each doesn't seem to be materialising :(

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