Lost Fetchies

1 lurker | 182 watchers
May 2020
6:35pm, 18 May 2020
16,794 posts
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It feels like it was more recent, Ness!
May 2020
7:32pm, 18 May 2020
11,534 posts
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Naomi P
Well, hello again! Diogenes, what a great idea to start the thread, thank you. I remember that RNR weekend where you and Andy Woohoo followed Chiefy through the night to a service station in the middle of Norfolk.

It's lovely to hear that so many of us are keeping well and happy, though I do hope McNewbs is ok. I haven't been on here for several up and down years. I wrote a blog or two about my dad's death, but then Chiefy and I split up and I felt like the bad guy and this felt like his place rather than mine.

This is from one of the two happiest days of my life (the other being the 10 in 10, 10 years ago). It would have been our 8th anniversary today. It's been far from easy but it means the world to me that Chiefy is still one of the most important people in my life.

May 2020
7:41pm, 18 May 2020
34,905 posts
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Hills of Death (HOD)
Miss ya N I said a few pages back mentioned to Chiefy and Jock about a meet.

What does everyone think was the best Fetch years ?
May 2020
7:43pm, 18 May 2020
46,605 posts
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Still to come, HoD ;)
May 2020
7:43pm, 18 May 2020
11,535 posts
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Naomi P
Hey HoD! Totally up for a London meet :-)

Marginally less silly pic

May 2020
8:07pm, 18 May 2020
10,120 posts
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Oysterboy and NaomiP!!!

May 2020
8:30pm, 18 May 2020
15,601 posts
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Aw how lovely :)
May 2020
9:05pm, 18 May 2020
24,044 posts
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I’m pleased to say that pedroscalls responded to a DM I sent him. He’s just busy :-)
May 2020
9:08pm, 18 May 2020
355 posts
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Bit late to the show, but remember meeting everyone at the YOHM in 2008 (still have my scarf ... don't eat the chocolate raisins, I think it says!) and meeting my first Fetchies at Windermere marathon in 2008 (sorry, cant remember who I met now, I was so nervous about the race!). Great memories 🙂
May 2020
9:10pm, 18 May 2020
30,072 posts
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Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs)
Hipps if your photos are uploaded into the gallery just click on the and select copy code the paste into the thread, hope that helps :-)

About This Thread

Maintained by Diogenes
Like an old sheepdog, this thread rounds up lost Fetchies and draws them back into the fold, or just fondly remembers those that prefer to stay lost. There is always a place for you here...

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