Lost Fetchies

1 lurker | 182 watchers
May 2020
9:58pm, 18 May 2020
3,619 posts
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See Mick n Phil occasionally as they live not far from me, either supporting or running at local races. They are ok.
May 2020
10:07pm, 18 May 2020
10,155 posts
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Naomi P! Last time I saw you was at that bobbins dancing thing chief dragged me along to. X
May 2020
10:11pm, 18 May 2020
15,602 posts
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I saw Mick n Phil at the end of January - Helsby Half Marathon. They are fine - only do halfs these days I think.
May 2020
10:11pm, 18 May 2020
4,152 posts
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Aaah just listened to the podcast and heard about this thread. Wow all of the old names really took me back !!
I saw mick and Phil at a very recent race I did can’t think which but it must have been buntingford 10??
May 2020
10:11pm, 18 May 2020
2,337 posts
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Oh wow, this thread just gets better and better!
Lovely to see you Naomi, and ndellar... I didn't know that about blister, he's a Facebook friend of mine too.

It's so good to see everyone 😊❤️
May 2020
10:17pm, 18 May 2020
40,547 posts
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Lip Gloss
Tiggia popped in for a hug the other day :-)
No idea who Hibby is so can't help DQ
May 2020
10:28pm, 18 May 2020
5,383 posts
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Hello - I'm not lost exactly but I'm not here exactly either. It's very lovely to see all these familiar names. I started Fetching less when I started my own business (because when it's your own time you're paying for...) and pretty much stopped when I swapped my Garmin for an Apple watch and couldn't figure out how to import training. But still feel like a Fetchie. And still running - on a 718-day streak right now...
May 2020
10:38pm, 18 May 2020
8,298 posts
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That's a great streak Iron_Mum

So good to hear news of Mick n Phil I do miss Mick's blogs. Hope they are OK during these difficult times too.
May 2020
10:51pm, 18 May 2020
14,459 posts
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Ultra Sparkly Bridget (USB)
I am loving this thread!
May 2020
2:24am, 19 May 2020
2,382 posts
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Running Beard
Well that was a very enjoyable read, some familiar names, some of whom I have met, others who I have only read.

About 20 pages back there was mention of Hamsterboy (latterly HamsterBolt), I think it was by Battlecat, he is all grown up these days (25 this year!), has a degree in sports science and is living and working in London. He is still a keen runner (enthusiastic parkrunner) and cyclist. He is a fine young man.

I will tell him about this thread and he may pop in to say hi himself.

Take care all (waves from the other side of the world)

About This Thread

Maintained by Diogenes
Like an old sheepdog, this thread rounds up lost Fetchies and draws them back into the fold, or just fondly remembers those that prefer to stay lost. There is always a place for you here...

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