Sep 2020
8:49pm, 30 Sep 2020
48,882 posts
I assume just muting your 'phone is an option. I don't want a soundtrack, especially a random s'lebs soundtrack.
Sep 2020
8:57pm, 30 Sep 2020
4,381 posts
Does it require mobile data signal when in use or is just having the GPS on the phone enough? I have plenty of data allowance but others may not, plus the signal can sometimes be patchy...
Sep 2020
9:03pm, 30 Sep 2020
18,957 posts
Says mobile data Little connection near me
Sep 2020
9:04pm, 30 Sep 2020
666 posts
It does claim to need a data connection as well as clear view of the sky for GPS. Not sure why it needs data connection, unless just so they can show a bunch of dots virtually running around London on the BBC coverage.
Sep 2020
9:16pm, 30 Sep 2020
757 posts
Installed, good job! Daylight savings must kick in this weekend as it says event starts at 10am (we're currently 9 hours ahead). Wouldn't have been fun starting at 9am to find out it doesn't count. I'm surprised people haven't started talking about the weather forecast for the day, that's normally the topic in the lead up, too hot/wet/cold/windy 😂
Sep 2020
9:21pm, 30 Sep 2020
22 posts
Spideog, I emailed and asked if using the app is necessary for gfa or championship or if secondary device is ok. Secondary device is ok
Sep 2020
9:44pm, 30 Sep 2020
994 posts
Perfect! I’m not messing with a half arsed app that will also sell data. We give enough away already.
Oct 2020
6:44am, 1 Oct 2020
3,456 posts
Little Miss Happy
Chrismean - I've emailed for the fourth time explaining that I don't own a smartphone and asking if I can still participate but awaiting a response. Did they explain what you need to do if running without a phone?
Oct 2020
7:30am, 1 Oct 2020
17,712 posts
I have the app (only because I searched for it), but no e-mail yet
Oct 2020
7:40am, 1 Oct 2020
6,857 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
LMH - I’ve been reading the comments on VLM’s FB post and you definitely don’t need to run with a phone, but they say the upload of proof from your watch needs to be done via the app. So far I haven’t seen a response to anyone who has commented saying they don’t have a smartphone. I hope you get a response from them.