Mar 2012
2:07pm, 20 Mar 2012
32 posts
Slow Sam
Hi all Not been on Fetch as not been training for a week, so not seen your comments.
Saw physio and she feels that London is still doable, not been able to run for a week and have been given some exercises to do. Been able to run today, on grass only and can still feel the pain, although not as intense as it was, just going to give her a call now and update her, to see what she advises, as obviously I can't afford to miss another long run this weekend!.
I'll have a look at that link Pedro, sounds interesting...
Mar 2012
4:33pm, 20 Mar 2012
22 posts
Just seen your post and have been through the same dilemma re shin splints. The one thing you can do whilst you are resting your shins is to improve your fitness/stamina - swimming, cycling, x trainer. Basically anything that doesn't involve actually running. It is a compromise but I found that actual fitness/stamina was more important than focussing solely on the mileage. Hope you get them sorted, London is amazing - but I think there is an option to defer if injured (worst case)