Oct 2020
7:44am, 1 Oct 2020
6,858 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
LMH - do you have a tablet? I’ve seen on Twitter you can upload via the app on a tablet.
Oct 2020
8:35am, 1 Oct 2020
3,458 posts
Little Miss Happy
Thanks Frag - as a non FB person I probably miss a lot - or save myself time and angst LOL. I can download the app to upload my Garmin but obviously I'm not going to run around with an iPad It would be nice if VLM would actually communicate these options.
Oct 2020
9:00am, 1 Oct 2020
6,860 posts
Fragile Do Not Bend
It’s ok LMH, you don’t need to run with the iPad.
Proof, in case it’s needed later.
Oct 2020
9:03am, 1 Oct 2020
17,713 posts
Is there any guidance on distance. Ie as long as your watch and/or the app show 26.2 miles is that enough. Do we need to run until both show 26.2. Do we need to add on a bit to cover gps inaccuracy
Oct 2020
9:04am, 1 Oct 2020
18,963 posts
I'm running with Garmin (app on phone but won't be used) and 26.3 max!
Oct 2020
9:05am, 1 Oct 2020
3,830 posts
I read somewhere in one of the emails that the app stops running as soon as 26.2 is achieved. I'll make sure my watch shows at least that too though.
Oct 2020
9:23am, 1 Oct 2020
17,714 posts
Yeah that’s going to get tricky if the phone is in the pouch of my gel belt. It will be fiddly to check both and actually may need a trial run beforehand.
Also worried about the rain and breaking the phone.
Oct 2020
9:32am, 1 Oct 2020
661 posts
Daddy Shark
Just thought I'd mention, since "26.2" is being mentioned a lot, that the full marathon distance is actually a tiny bit longer:
26.22 miles (26.219 miles to be more precise, or 42.195 km to be exact)
Don't miss out by being just 31m short!
Oct 2020
9:33am, 1 Oct 2020
10,110 posts
I think I read somewhere they will take other race results as proof. It will be interesting if my GPS for my race measures less than 26.2 miles (as it's a looped course and loops sometimes cause GPS issues). I guess I could pause over the line and then do a bit more before I save. I'm not going for GFA so it's just for the medal.
Oct 2020
9:34am, 1 Oct 2020
18,966 posts
this and GPS accuracy is why I am going for 26.3m!