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Let's talk about inaugural parkruns after they've happened.

314 watchers
May 2018
11:52am, 6 May 2018
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Found a FB page about the prospective Lanark parkrun. Looks to be coming along well. Course and permissions in place, conditions fulfilled for full grant funding (! the dream :-)), all they might need now is some people (and maybe that is has been sorted). Course looks an interesting mix of round a loch and trail paths in the woods.


After all those far-flung Scottish startups, nice to have some launching that wouldn't need a two-day trip to attend :-).
May 2018
6:20pm, 6 May 2018
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LloydP - i fail to see a problem with a new event starting close to an existing one. nor does it matter if there are only a handful of participants at each. That really is the idea of creating a parkrun for the local community - if 10 people get together and want one in their local park there should be nor reason to prevent them going ahead - as long as all necessary permissions have been given. it is usually the case that a new event increases overall numbers not diminishes - personally i would like to see more smaller events rather than the hordes we encourage to run around some of our parks at the moment.
May 2018
8:54pm, 6 May 2018
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As long are there is funding and willing core teams I totally agree with Kev.. Really cannot see an issue with this....
May 2018
2:12pm, 7 May 2018
22,408 posts
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It's often the finding of sufficient core team volunteers that's the hurdle to overcome in setting up a new parkrun, so if they've got that I don't see a ptoblem.

We thought our numbers would drop as local parkruns started up (none that close though) but there's been no discernible effect.
May 2018
9:36pm, 7 May 2018
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Very much simply word of mouth, but heard talk of a potential future event at Aberfeldy in Scotland. There were a couple at Bressay at the weekend who mentioned their intentions of starting this up.
May 2018
10:59pm, 7 May 2018
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Another North West location in the offing..

May 2018
4:41pm, 8 May 2018
First-time poster!!
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Prospect parkrun can be moved from "longer-term" to "started!". 56 runners at inaugural parkrun on Sunday. parkrun.org.uk
May 2018
4:48pm, 8 May 2018
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Welcome to Fetch AndyHill!

You might like Goofee's blog on the subject of Prospect:

May 2018
8:10pm, 8 May 2018
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Aberfeldy would be a nice spot for one, hopefully on the river side rather than up the hills.
May 2018
9:45am, 9 May 2018
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Thanks Sigh - good read! I did the test run earlier in the year but the first run proper passed me by. Hoping to make it there soon!

About This Thread

Maintained by sLickster
There may be an inaugural parkrun happening near you. Best to check with the local parkrun volunteers to see if they want you to know about it or not.

Otherwise there are plenty of already established parkruns to go to in the UK and abroad, see: parkrun.org.uk
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