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Let's talk about inaugural parkruns after they've happened.

314 watchers
May 2018
1:14pm, 9 May 2018
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I wouldn't recommend starting a new event close to one that only gets 30 people, but where one gets a few hundred, staring another within a couple of miles might reduce numbers for a short while but after a year the original will normally be back to the same number and the new one will have decent numbers as well.

Crane park have been going long enough to have a good size team and regulars to draw on so as long as the new one can get a team together it'll all be fine.

My home event was started to reduce pressure on one that's only a mile away and it made no difference at all to the numbers, we now get about 1000 between us, plus 300 at the one a couple of miles away.
May 2018
9:41pm, 9 May 2018
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If Crane Park & Hazlelwood were attracting 400 runners each a week I would say yes it was time to set up an additional parkrun in Hanworth Park or on Hounslow Heath but that is not the case. Crane attracts about 200 runners a week & Hazelwood 100 runners. I would like to see both events grow some more before another event in the area is considered. I have also learnt this week why this has arisen. The Hanworth / Hounslow Heath parkrun idea is being pushed by the group that run Hanworth Junior parkrun & their local council which is Hounslow which has funds available for another parkrun. However, Crane Park falls into Richmond Council's jurisdiction & Hazelwood falls into Spelthorne Council's jurisdiction. In cases like this I think there needs to be be communication between the local councils & parkrun Ambassadors. If a handful of people are committed to running a small event like Lullingstone that is fine but I think 200-250 runners is about right then people only have to volunteer about once every 10 weeks & can run the rest of the time.
May 2018
11:22am, 10 May 2018
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Lloydparkrunner. new parkruns never threaten old ones- I have explained this before on facebook! PSH himself said that he wishes every park in the country to host parkrun. I'm sure he knows that's not even close to realistic, but the principle is- let's continue to start parkrun events in more parks to make it as accessible as possible to everyone. The more people living right next to a parkrun the better- for the environment, for participation levels, everything. There is no drawback here. Please don't continue to post discouraging messages- support those who are doing a brilliant thing in working hard to bring new parkruns to the world, making a difference in their local community.
May 2018
11:39am, 10 May 2018
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I disagree with the point Lloydparkrunner is making in this (and looking at the area, there does seem to be a mahoosive parkrun in fairly close proximity); but, LinfordWood, I disagree even more strongly with your notion that he should not be allowed to post his reservations and that he (and by extension, anybody commenting on parkrun ever) should never say or write anything that could be construed as critical and all public statements should be nothing bit relentless boosterism.

That creates the kind of environment where good stuff goes bad.
May 2018
11:44am, 10 May 2018
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plodding hippo
LindfordWood, is that you Andrew?

Is Ruth here!
May 2018
11:48am, 10 May 2018
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a big +1 there Linford.

LP - As you say, 'If a handful of people are committed to running a small event like Lullingstone that is fine.' So no reason to dismiss a group of people wishing to start their own event - even if it is next door to an existing one.

If it is not a viable proposition it will be done to those in position to make a decision and that includes HQ/Ambassadors. Not those looking in from the outside.
On your concerns about volunteers. When we first ran at Bromley there were about 50 runners taking part each week - very few issues with volunteering other than we weren't all officially recognised and certainly didn't get kudos ticks for anything other than the three or four main roles, the same was true at Bexley. Now both events attract huge numbers yet struggle to get volunteers. So, greater numbers does not always equate to a healthy volunteer base it just gives a larger pool of people who have no intention or see no reason to volunteer.
May 2018
12:27pm, 10 May 2018
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Hills of Death (HOD)
St Neots has a date but we cannot say new rules x
May 2018
1:00pm, 10 May 2018
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LinfordWood has this spot on there is absolutely no threat to the other local parkruns or any need for communication between the local councils.....
May 2018
1:19pm, 10 May 2018
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Spelthorne (Surrey) and Hounslow have issues serious issues anyway so I doubt they ever talk to one another unless they HAVE to ;)
May 2018
2:43pm, 10 May 2018
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All the very best to the good folk of Hounslow Heath

in their attempts to kickstart a parkrun.

Hounslow has a different, more diverse demograph than the areas encompassing Hazelwood & Crane. I, for one, applaud the efforts to get this local community out & about on a Saturday morning.

About This Thread

Maintained by sLickster
There may be an inaugural parkrun happening near you. Best to check with the local parkrun volunteers to see if they want you to know about it or not.

Otherwise there are plenty of already established parkruns to go to in the UK and abroad, see: parkrun.org.uk
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