Jul 2014
10:09pm, 28 Jul 2014
30,352 posts
Sssssshhhhhhhhhhhh ... don't go getting me disqualified
Jul 2014
10:21pm, 28 Jul 2014
3,257 posts
Northern Exile
Echo FF's comments about the UD vests - very happy with mine and I've yet suffer from the bottles, I am a bit barrel-chested though so the bottles sit comfortably under my ribs. I'm 38" chest and have the M/L
Jul 2014
10:22pm, 28 Jul 2014
33 posts
Yay, V'rap! I love how your attitude to L50 has gone from 'no-way' to 'no-way is my husband getting me disqualified'
Jul 2014
10:27pm, 28 Jul 2014
30,354 posts
I've never been "no way" about the 50, I've done the 50 before, didn't come to any harm from it, and thought quite hard before deciding not to enter last year.
I remain "no way" about the 100
Jul 2014
10:34pm, 28 Jul 2014
34 posts
The 100 is twice the fun of the 50. Simple maths, that
Jul 2014
10:39pm, 28 Jul 2014
9,488 posts
Loving all this kit chat, and have started to compile a list. Ker-Ching! No Xmas prezzie s for the children this year.
DT made an excellent comment a few pages back about the 100 being an attritional trudge - spot on mate! That was exactly my experience.
I have blisters like never before. My back has a delightful butterfly shape rubbed raw over 50% of it, which Vaseline (Howtoen and Mardale) plus Sudocrem (Kentmere) only slightly helped with. On the bright side, I have little in the way of DOMS, but that's because they started a bit before Kentmere and that was ages ago now.
On the bright side, I had no falls, didn't choke on the plague of flying ants during the descent to Troutbeck, had no cramp... Nutrition and hydration seem to have been ok, with a litre of fluid taken from every checkpoint, plus a cup of tea (or a coffee a couple of times) plus 2 or 3 cups of other liquid at each checkpoint. Wow, that adds up to a lot. Plus soup every time it was on offer (except for the sauna at Ambleside).
Hmm, I need to get this into a blog tomorrow.
Jul 2014
10:44pm, 28 Jul 2014
9,489 posts
And I repeated myself from one paragraph to the next there. Sleep deprivation, eh?
Jul 2014
10:50pm, 28 Jul 2014
30,355 posts
Aye. Blogs. Er ... please?
Jul 2014
10:53pm, 28 Jul 2014
11,723 posts
Derby Tup
Please just blog positive stuff. I'm well excited about getting fit for next year
Jul 2014
10:55pm, 28 Jul 2014
35 posts
_andy, definitely blog it, then at the very least you can print it out as a wonderful gift for your kids to enjoy this Xmas while you play with shiny new running toys.
DT, are you thinking of the 50 or the 100 next year? I'm guessing the 100?