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Lonfg Eaton 50 Sat June 15th.

4 watchers
May 2013
12:36pm, 11 May 2013
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General Information for the Long Eaton 50 Ultra on June 15th 2013.

It will be around 51.7 miles to run.
We are maintaining the price at £15/17, with a souvenier mug for finishers. There will be individual prizes as last year for the first male and female, and possibly for age categories if we attract sufficient entrants. This includes food at checkpoints and soup at the end.
We have set a limit of 75 entries, but in the event of us being swamped by numbers we may reconsider the viability of increasing this. The team relay will again take place with a maximum of 25 teams, and we have reduced the price to £30 for a team of 6.
The race has been awarded 2 qualifying points for anyone entering the Ultra Tour de Mont Blanc.

longeatonrunningclub.com for all the information
May 2013
11:53am, 26 May 2013
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I note the staggered start times and the request for me to estimate my finish time.
Following a 40 miler in 6.30 a few weeks ago, I reckon 9hrs, but its a pure guess.
Is this hilly? Doesn't look particularly so on the profile?
May 2013
1:09pm, 26 May 2013
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not hilly, although there are several undulations in the second half of the course. The hills at the end are not very long but may feel it.
The elevation map from the route http://www.fetcheveryone.com/route-395780 is wrong, i think the total is somewhere around 2000 feet, the hill on stage 5 is about 200 feet in two parts for example.

longeatonrunningclub.com gives a bit more info, and is a little more updated than the one in the 50 mile section (don't know quite why that happened)

As for start times we are flexible, we just don't want someone taking 13 hours starting at 8.00. We have 9 - 9.5 hours people going off at 7 and 7.30.

it will be good to see you OTDIH Johnny.
May 2013
1:22pm, 26 May 2013
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Thanks Chrisity, 7- 7.30 would suit me as I can drive down in the morning, just don't want to make promises that my legs can't keep.

It'll be nice to put a face to a name, I'll get my entry in the post!

ps. how many entries are left? There is a guy at work who is desperate to accumulate UTMB points, so I have been trying to get him to sign up, but he's a ditherer.
May 2013
2:15pm, 26 May 2013
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we have only about 20 confirmed, i expect to get up to maybe 30 this week. Plus perhaps 6 or 7 teams. Not too crowded, but an enjoyable run. I've done virtuallly all of it in stages and thouroughly enjoyed the countryside and scenery. Nightjar did it last year if you want an unbiased opinion. we haven't tried to push it too much, as long as we have enough people to break even then we are happy.
Jun 2013
9:54am, 16 Jun 2013
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Great race Chris, very much enjoyed myself. Lovely route, well stocked checkpoints and enthusiastic marshalls.

Give my thanks to Duncan for guiding me and keeping me company on the middle ten, I was struggling a bit before he turned up!
Jun 2013
11:58am, 16 Jun 2013
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Will do, glad you enjoyed it. Results and report will be on there way to you later today after i've done my chores.
Jun 2013
12:27pm, 16 Jun 2013
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Saw ppl at one of the change over points in Littleover :)

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Maintained by Chrisity
General Information for the Long Eaton 50 Ultra on June 15th 2013.

It will be around 51.7 miles ...
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